20wk Scan


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Just had to share with you the pics from my scan yesterday. Cant believe I'm half way there and that this is the last time I get to see him before he arrives.



These were taken at the very beginning of the scan and it was a good job too as he did not want to stay still at all and the other images that I saw were nowhere near as good as these.
awwwwwwww wow, i bet you can't wait!

is this the first time you found out the sex? have you got any names yet?
Yeah this is the first time I got to find out the sex. He's going to be called Morgan Scott Hainsworth. He's taking my surname as there are currently no boys to carry it on and luckily my partners Surname (Scott) can be used as a middle name as didnt fancy a double barrell name.

It's just going to be so hard waiting until the end of January to see him again!
awww I like that name :) really cool!

yeah but you can just look down and see him.... sort of :rolleyes:
Aaaw Natsuko

That is so gorgeous. :wub: Brings back so many memories. Can't believe you've reached the 20 week stage already.

Aaaw, he is touching his face, or was he pretending that he had a mike and he's singing!!! I love his little face, can't wait till January when you can post some pics of him. He already looks so gorgeous.

How are you feeling at the moment? Still tired? How is your dog these days? I remember he was behaving a bit strange a few months back.

Keep well
Carmen :D
Hi Alex&Carmen, I cant believe I'm 20wks already it's going pretty quick although I have major bump envy as I'm still not showing and have people commenting on that all the time, I still feel tired but the morning sickness has more or less disappeared. I wish January would hurry up and come too so I can meet him properly. He was actually raising his thumb so he could suck it for that shot.

Ty is just as boisterous as ever and still hates strangers coming into the house but he's starting to learn slowly and he'll have to deal with more strangers when this little one arrives too. Bit worried about how he'll be when the time comes but I'll have to cross that bridge when I get to it, decided I would never give Ty away if he's a problem with the baby I can always have them in seperate rooms and make sure that Ty gets plenty of love and attention.

I'm way too excited.
:) what lovely scans....I have some of my grand daughter but she wouldnt keep still..she is 12 months old and is still very active. Hugs and kisses xxxx
scans are still amazing, lovely clear shots you got there, very exciting, hope it all goes well.
Very soon you will start growing and complain about how big you feel. The bumps do come really quickly and you'll wake up one morning, roll out of bed and feel very heavy up front.

I have 2 boys and a girl. With boys boys I carried all around. My poor butt was really big to start off with and when my tummy eventually grew, I lost the weight on my butt :blush: . But with my daughter it was all up front and from behind you wouldn't have guessed I was pregnant. Your body is still adjusting and with subsequent pregnancies you tend to get bigger, quicker.

In a few weeks you should get that energy spurt. It does come and you run around like mad cleaning and trying to get things sorted. As for the nausea, I had terrible morning sickness with my first, throwing up constantly for the first 4 months and then feeling really sick again during week 38. With the other two only a bit in the beginning. It will get better, and I'm sure you are enjoying it non the less.

Is he kicking you around yet? I just loved that feeling of them moving around and kicking or hitting when you rub your belly or gently nudge them :wub: .

Don't forget us all here eagerly waiting with you. Post some updates on how you feel and things from time to time.

Yep I feel him moving about especially when I lie down on an evening even my partner can feel him kicking but they are just small kicks for now, I think I'll miss that after he's born, I never realised how attached you get to them growing inside you. I will keep you updated on how things go.

Thanks for all the nice comments guys. :good:
My goodness how time is flying !

Those are lovely photos - and so clear :hyper: Hope Morgan grows big and strong in the next few weeks :flex:
... I think I'll miss that after he's born, I never realized how attached you get to them growing inside you.

Why do you think I had 3 :lol: . It's a real privilege to be a woman and be able to experience this. You will never experience anything as wonderful as carrying and giving birth to your own child. As the years pass on, your memory of other things start to fade, but the memory of giving birth will be as clear as the day you had them. My eldest is 7 years old now, and I can still remember clearly the night I watched TV and he kicked for the first time. But other things that happened during that time are so fuzzy now. Every birthday I remember giving birth to them, and I actually still cry when we sing happy birthday. Not tears of sorrow, but sheer joy.


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