20l Nano


New Member
Aug 7, 2007
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I took the plunge, so to speak, on a 20L Nano this past weekend. I managed to get 25 lbs. of LR from an established tank for just $2.50/lb.

My equipment:

MJ1200 Powerhead
AC200 Filter with Chemipure (no sponge)
Coralife PC lights
20 lbs Aragonite Substrate
25 lbs. Live Rock
Stealth Visitherm 100W Heater
Coralife Hydrometer

I used the Petco Saltwater to start also.

So far, after 48 hrs, everything seems to be testing ok. I'm at zero for both ammonia and nitrates, my Ph is at 8.2, my gravity is 1.023. I tested for nitrites as well, and it tested ok but the actual number escapes me right now.

I'm assuming, since my LR came right out of someone's tank, that my "cycle" will be much shorter and thus the reason for my test results. My plan is to have a clean up crew, 2-4 small fish, and maybe down the road, some soft coral.

How long should I wait to introduce some inverts and what kinds/numbers? As of now, unfortunately, I've spotted some pods (but not many), a tiny snail, and what appeared to be a small brittle star. I saw them last night but when I woke up, they were missing in action. Should I expect any other visitors? Anything else I should do in the meantime?

Thanks guys, especially SH. I tried to follow the Nano FAQ to a T.
sounds lkike a good start, test ur water everyday for a week to make sure there isnt a cycle, and if it stays 0 0 0 then u can add a fish, or ur cuc if you start seeing algea
i think the whole 'you must test once a day' in your cycle is pretty much a waste. Id say test it the day after you added your rock, wait 3 days, then test in 4 days. I never really got why people test every day and your cycle could go on for a month in some extremes. I mean 7 days into the hobbys and youll alredy of used 7 tests wort. Although i suppose it does give you a reliable idea of your stats. Also personally id always recomend adding basic clean up crew (snails and hermits) first after diatoms and that appear then add a fish and larger CUC like shirmp and true crabs after two weeks to a month. The reason for this is that shrimps and true crabs tend not to eat much of the detritus and algae found in your tank and with a fish there will be a constant supply of food due to you feeding it. Of course this route may make you have a tank without any fish in for a while but i think oyu end up with a generally healthier tank (thats just personal opinion and not proven or anything)

hope that was some help
I'm on Day 5 since I started it up and everything still looks good.

Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Ph 8.2
Temp 79.6
Nitrates 10
SG 1.023

There's not a whole lot in the way of travellers, just some pods, a couple of brittle stars/worms, and one very hard to spot snail. There is algae growing on the live rock, tank, powerhead and heater. How long should I wait to add some inverts? Should I add a bunch at once or should I add a couple at first? Like I mentioned earlier, the LR came right out of an established tank and into mine so there was minimal die-off to begin with.

id say leave it till you start to get all of the brown algae appear. Id say it will appear in the next 2 - 4 days but when it dos just test your water to make sure then fire ahead with the basic cleaners like snails and hermits.
So far so good. Nitrates are between 5 and 10, Ammonia and Nitrites are at 0 and PH is at 8.4. Algae is alive and well, but not too bad. I've noticed some of the brown stuff on the rocks and a little bit on the sand. The Live Rocks are beginning to get some good color as well. It came right out of a tank, but it was LR only and not lit very well.

I've got a MJ1200 and AC20 filter running but have ordered a Koralia 1 and plan on getting an AC70 (to do the fuge mod) soon. I've also added an blue LED moonlight bulb. Things are progressing nicely. Keep the good advice coming!
if its a 20 long i would cancel the order for the koralia 1 and get a koralia 2. Then take the mj out, you wont need that with the koralia 2. A koralia 2 gives about as much flow as an MJ1200 except in a much smoother and even flow, as well as using half the wattage.
The K1 is in right now and it seems to be moving as much water as the MJ1200. I'll probably grab another K1 soon and put it on the other side.

I've seem some interesting life in the tank today. There are two, that I know of, worm like creatures that are pink and purple with little hairs. They come out of the rocks just enough to take a look around. I've also seen a shrimp looking guy who is tan and moves very quickly. He's very small, maybe a quarter to a half inch long. Every few days, mostly at night, I see the little snail too. I haven't seen the brittle stars in a week. The brown stuff on the surface of the sand is spreading too.

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