well, hello all! ive never done a properly planted tank before, and ive recently moved and in the next couple of weeks will be purchasing a 20L arcardia arc. for ages ive wanted to have a little shrimp nano, ive wanted this because ive looked at everyones on here for so long! well finally this is my chance! this is all the info i can think of for now:
arcardia arc 20L (25x30x30cm(WxLxH))
11w arcpod(have a second if needed)
filtration + heating:
internal fluval 1plus + 50w heater
colombo flora base black 5 litres(i understand this is probably to much but 2.5 wouldnt be enough, and a little left over doesnt bother me!)
2kg of dragon/mini landscaping rock
HC cuba(extra value range(from green machine)) x3
dwarf hairgrass(java plants) x5
hydrocotyle verticillata (green machine) x3
will be dosing 1ml TPN+ daily and o.5ml flourish excel
cherry shrimp to start of with, then might add/change to CRS once established.
so the current harscape idea will be the substrate slanting from the top right to bottom left. filter and heater will be in the top right. the rocks will be placed sloping from the top right to bottom left. the HV will be placed around the top of the rocks and filter, the DHG will be placed in between the rocks and just in front, and the HC in the foreground. i will have it set up, planted and dosing ferts for 4-6 weeks before adding any shrimps, get the tank set up and the plants growing first, see how it all goes!
any comments/constructive criticism welcome!
arcardia arc 20L (25x30x30cm(WxLxH))
11w arcpod(have a second if needed)
filtration + heating:
internal fluval 1plus + 50w heater
colombo flora base black 5 litres(i understand this is probably to much but 2.5 wouldnt be enough, and a little left over doesnt bother me!)
2kg of dragon/mini landscaping rock
HC cuba(extra value range(from green machine)) x3
dwarf hairgrass(java plants) x5
hydrocotyle verticillata (green machine) x3
will be dosing 1ml TPN+ daily and o.5ml flourish excel
cherry shrimp to start of with, then might add/change to CRS once established.
so the current harscape idea will be the substrate slanting from the top right to bottom left. filter and heater will be in the top right. the rocks will be placed sloping from the top right to bottom left. the HV will be placed around the top of the rocks and filter, the DHG will be placed in between the rocks and just in front, and the HC in the foreground. i will have it set up, planted and dosing ferts for 4-6 weeks before adding any shrimps, get the tank set up and the plants growing first, see how it all goes!
any comments/constructive criticism welcome!