20L Nano - 'the Beggining'


Mar 30, 2009
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blandford, dorset
well first, hello all! i have been keping fish for avout 3 years or so now and think its time to do a nano shrimp tank. these are the details:

Arcardia Arc 20L

11w Arcpod(also have another one of these if need be)

internal arcadia crappy filter that comes with tank, also internal fluval 1plus

superfish nano 50w heater

no CO2, no ferts(this could change)

colombo flora base black 10 litres(will this be too much?)

2kg or mini landscaping rock

15x dwarf hairgrass(for carpet)(too much/not enough?)
10x pygmy chain sword(for around rocks)
10x american pennywort(background/corner)

torn between east breeding cherry shrimp or CRS
might include 6-8 ember tetra at some point(not sure if i can?)

anyway that is all the details i think, i should be getting this tank in about 3 weeks so i will set it up straight away, i will be cycling with 3 glowlight tetras that mum has in her tank(i know not suitable number of glowlights but there isnt really space for anymore). these fish have been through everything thrown at them so i think they will survive the cycle. im planning on cycling for 4-6 weeks before adding shrimp. any comments/problems/criticism/help is welcome!

thanks all

Too much florabase mate, it will fill half your 20L tank :) too much hairgrass too, I'd half both of those and you'll still have spare.
Too much florabase mate, it will fill half your 20L tank :) too much hairgrass too, I'd half both of those and you'll still have spare.

wow a reply! haha. do you rekon 3L of florabase would be enough? i didnt think it would. also what about just 5 of each plant? do you reckon that would be enough? how many WPG would i have with 1 11w light? im not sure if the plants will grow under no CO2, im hoping they will do though.

Yes, i agree on the Florabase, 3l should do a 20l.

I think thats a plan you have there Aaron, it looks good to me. You could always start to dose if needed. :good:

PS, the WPG rule doesn't really work on a nano tank.
Yes, i agree on the Florabase, 3l should do a 20l.

I think thats a plan you have there Aaron, it looks good to me. You could always start to dose if needed. :good:

PS, the WPG rule doesn't really work on a nano tank.

thanks! glad i only need 3L. saves me about 20 quid! and thank you! i should be buying it in a couple of weeks so will get it started, up and running straight away!


Make sure you get some pics up Aaron! :good:
i will as soon as i get the tank! really excited so i definately will haha!

just wandering about the pennywort, will it grow to big for the tank? as ive seen a what looks like a dwarf version, which i would like, as the plant looks really good and i would love to have it in the tank!

you'll need to have a look at hydrocotyle verticillata, The Green Machine stock it and it's of a real good quality.
that is the exact one i wanted! thank you very much! i wanted to keep the cost of this set up low, so am wandering how good is there plants for that cost? also how much of the plants do you get on average? because the cost seems a little expensive...


HC will need some CO2 suppliment, it will grow with your lighting and good flow but I'd dose if you want it, a small bottle of TPN+ and Flourish Excel would last you ages in a 20litre.

1ml of TPN+ a day and 0.5ml of Excel would do ya.
totally agree with that Steve, HC loves Carbo/excel, it's like anabolic steroids to it IMO!
sorry Aaron missed the previous post,

The plants are expensive @ the Green Machine (TGM), but the quality is second to none. They're all Tropica plants as well. You could try your local P@h as well as they all do Tropica plants now, you're just not guaranteed to find it, if you do find it you're not guaranteed the quality.

Again TGM do an extra value range or try P@H


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