20gl. ideas...?

Since you already have a community (sorta, since we all know what will happen when the pictus is big and hungry) You could try for a species only sort of thing, like puffers or something...
I have been going through the same thoughts with a 30 Gallon and here are a few ideas that got brought to me.

A Ram tank w/ corys, rams, and otos.
A Seahorse tank - Which actually I am considering. :)
A quarantine tank
A fry grow out tank
A small chiclid tank

Hey again everyone! Great Suggestions!
Which led me into thinking...

4 platies(not sure what kind yet)

6 danios( various types) lonfinned

6 pristilla tetras

a few cories

a few ottos

now my question is...
can i get a few (2-3) checkered barbs?

thanks everyone!


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