20g Stocking


New Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
I have a 20g tank that has been running for a little over 6 months now.
Its currently stocked with 6 cherry barbs (3m, 3f) and 1 albino bristlenose pleco. The cherry barbs tend to stay in the bottom third of the tank as does the pleco so that leaves the middle and top quite bare. I was thinking of getting a pair of bolivian rams but have read that they tend to occupy the bottom area of the tank aswell.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions of some fish that would liven up the tank and that wouldnt overstock my tank.
Could i possibly get a pair of bolvian rams and a school of some sort of small tetra, maybe a school of ember tetras or black neon tetras??
I wouldn't go with the rams, esp if you're adding anything else. If it's too cramped they'll get stressed. You could go with a pearl gourami or maybe a trio of smaller gourami (1m, 2fm) like honeys or dwarfs (if you can find a good place to get those... they're hard to find healthy). I think the pearl would be a good one, though. Nice size, plenty active, stays towards the top levels.
Hope this helps!
ive found gouramis stay towards the middle.
If you want something at the very top, you could try a few hatchetts. (im not sure of full name...they skim the surface). if their size is an issue, someone feel free to correct me :)
Yeah, gouramis do swim a bit, not plastered to the top like hatchets. A group of those would be fine. The marbled ones are esp pretty, but I've had the silver/plain ones and they were nice little fish. It was fun to see the couple of times when small gnats fell in the tank... they attacked like great whites!
I'd say your round about maximum stocking level already.
A 4-6 strong shoal of zebra danios would keep the top to middle levels busy, they're very active fish and good fun to watch zooming around. A gourami isn't a bad idea either, they are classed as mid-dwelling fish but tnd to go where ever food can be found, i'd look for a colisa labiosa or thick-lipped gourami which is a charming fish, peaceful and not as problematic as dwarves and honeys. If your going for a dwarf or honey gourami try and find some that are wild-caught or at least bred from wild-caught fish, they have weaker colour than tank-breds but are less likely to suffer the problems currently commonly associated with their species....
Thanks for the replys.

Would getting some floating plants possibly make the cherry barbs feel more comfortable to swim in other areas of the tank? I've read that hey swim all over the tank but mine dont. My females tend to hide alot and when they do come out they get chased by a male.

I think the only fish that i would get would be either the dwarf gouramis or bolivian rams. I dont really like the look of the other fish, especially the hatchets. They kinda freak me out :unsure:

What about if i went and bought some more female cherry barbs? When i had 5 females they seemed to swim all over the tank more. Maybe i could up the amount of females again and then get a pair of bolivians and that would be it. No more fish for that tank.
I didn't realize the ratio you had of cherry barbs... you should try to have 2 fm for every male, but since that'd really over do your stocking get 2-3 more females and they should be a bit less stressed. Also, floating plants will do a world of good for them. In a heavily planted tank cherry barbs are usually quite active.
If you get 3 more and then a pair of rams you will most definitely be stocked, but just make sure you keep up on water changes and it should be fine.

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