20G Renovation


Mostly New Member
Feb 11, 2014
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By the time this makes it out, my questions on this tank should likely be out as well but oh well.  Here is a step by step on the rehab of this almost-lost-cause of a tank.
First some facts:
Its between 3-6 years old (can't quite remember how old I was when I planned this, somewhere between 10 and 13...yikes!!! and I did it by myself)  by that time, my measly 2-4 hours of research already dwarfed what my parents knew so they let me do this on my own (i guess that would make me 12, who trusts a 10 y/o to make a tank?).  So it was overstocked and under-planned but somehow only 3 deaths have happened throughout its span of existence. Current fish are:
1 long tailed red minor tetra
1 penguin tetra
3 long tailed black skirt tetras
2 peppered cory catfish
1 albino cory catfish (donated by a friend who named it casper 
I think thats the best name ever for a fish)
1 Golden Dojo Loach (named Topper)
Current list of stuff to do:
1. Upgrade the stupid in tank filter so the poor fish can get some more water in the tank
2. Add plants (thinking Anubis and java potentially grasses or other ferns)
3. Get rid of the tacky decor and add other stuff like driftwood and cooler caves
4. Prepare for the likely flood of algae from the light and get perhaps a few mystery snails
Not much but once you see the pictures you will know now  big of an ordeal this will be........
Also thinking of doing a full water change, should I? I have had yet to do one unfortunately ( a full one that is not the weekly/monthly 10-20% ones).
P.S. I know its overcrowded and I realize my mistakes so don't say a word about that it is too late to fix so I will have to take what is left and make the best of it. And with any luck (and hopeful some skill and advice) this may turn out looking decent)
Sorry, the picture files were too big, I will come back in  a few days with pictures and the first update.
Major snow coming soon, possible 1' plus...
That's going to delay this for at least two days if not a week if it sticks around.
If the roads are not horrible by Saturday than I will start the renovation then.
As it turns out the snow wont be too much of a problem so I will start today
OK so the last time I was about to go to the store I couldn't. But today is a new day!!!
There is no snow on the roads anymore and I will make it happen TODAY!!!
Pictures and video will be up within the next two days at...
Also considering getting some golden rabbit snails (but their so expensive so I am not quite sure what to do 
Might pick up some Java moss but the shipping is more than double the price of the plant  $12 in shipping for a $3-$5 plant
Either way I will pick up some amazon swords (perhaps) and some more driftwood as well as another anubis and/or some java ferns

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