2011 Aga International Aquascaping Contest


New Member
Jun 30, 2011
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The 2011 AGA International Aquascaping Contest is open for entries!

All that is required are 1 - 5 photos of your aquarium, a simple entry form, and a signed photo release. You can enter entirely online. We will display all entries permanently on the AGA's web site. You can also choose to have your tank entered in the 2012 Aqua Design Amano contest at the same time.

Winners will receive ribbons and cash awards
Closing date for entries: September 25
Winners announced: November 18

This contest just keeps growing and growing and growing! So fluff the plants, snap those photos, and enter your aquascape in the AGA contest to share with aquatic gardeners and artists around the world!

In an effort to aid worldwide economic recovery, there will be NO ENTRY FEE this year! :)

nice to see that the entry fee has been quashed. Will also be entering this comp. :good:
Cool, I might have a go this year once the nano has grown in, just need something to get the water clearer, since using excel the water is slightly cloudy.
Shame my Marine won't be in full swing by then, but maybe Refugees might have some life in her still by Sept. Hehe, besides, they'll love seeing the Madagascar lace I got from the last convention. The Marine might be ready for the following year, maybe as a biotope.
There is only one month to go before the AGA Aquascaping Contest closes September 25th!

A few technical tips:

You should submit entries via the internet, which makes for easier processing. Several points need to be emphasized regarding the contest:

1. Your photo(s) cannot be displayed on the contest web site unless you manually sign a Photo Release form. A digital signature is insufficient. However, a manually signed form can be mailed or scanned-and-emailed per the instructions on the Contest web page.
2. Please use your legal name.
3. Cash awards to winners will be made only via Paypal. Awards may be increased depending on the amount of donations received.
4. Please do not add copyrights, signatures, or borders to your photos. Please do not create a mosaic of photos.

Only two more weeks to go before the AGA Aquascaping Contest closes September 25!

In Larry Lampert's memory, ZooMed is sponsoring a "Most Innovative" award.

No entry fee this year, but we are seeking donations to cover (& hopefully increase!) the cash awards. See this page for details and info about sponsorship.


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