2007 Stocking Review


Something smells humany
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Victoria Australia
I have now jumped from a newbie to fish keeper in the past few days/weeks and must now check my tanks over thoroughly for issues and fix newbie mistakes

75 Gallon: Eheim Classic Cannister Filter, Jager 300 watt Heater, Sand Bottom

1 x Neosilurus rendahli 13" max size

1 x Anostomus Anostomus
2 x Angelfish
1 x Tiger Barbs (last of a group will not buy more keeps to itself)
6 x Harlequin Rasbora's (will be moved if safe with african butterfly)
1 x Golden Severum
1 x Firemouth
1 x Bristlenose catfish
4 x Kuhlii Loaches
1 x Peppered Cories (more peppereds and albino's will be bought 6 peppereds and 6 bronze cories)
2 x Albino Cories
2 x Bronze Cories
1 x Kribensis
25 x Kribensis Fry (about 1 inch each will be sold when large enough)
1 x Peacock cichlid rescued and waiting for a tank I was told by a family friend I may get although now becoming more unlikely

32 gallon Atman 1000 cf Filtration Sand Bottom

1 x African Butterfly

2 x Synodontis Nigriventris

2 x Neohomaloptera johorensis ( "Gecko Loach")

2 x Port Hoplo Catfish

1 x Bumble Bee Catfish

1 x Phantom Glass Catfish (rescued from a tank of 30 tetra's)

I would greatly appreciate some experienced help, overstocked, stocking issues etc...
I have no idea what the 13'' fish is..

but judging by the rest I could see problems happening in the future if your cichlids get aggressive.. they may not be aggressive and you may be fine..
The 13" is my rendahls catfish and it's not 13 inches yet but that is a projected size....the cichlids are all Mildly aggressive and are all above juviniles status...I also would really like to know if my tanks are overstocked now and later on once fully grown....

The rendahls catfish is native to Australia and very uncommon in Home aquaria so projected aquarium size is around 35 cm tops

The 13" is my rendahls catfish and it's not 13 inches yet but that is a projected size....the cichlids are all Mildly aggressive and are all above juviniles status...I also would really like to know if my tanks are overstocked now and later on once fully grown....

The rendahls catfish is native to Australia and very uncommon in Home aquaria so projected aquarium size is around 35 cm tops
The 13" is my rendahls catfish and it's not 13 inches yet but that is a projected size....the cichlids are all Mildly aggressive and are all above juviniles status...I also would really like to know if my tanks are overstocked now and later on once fully grown....

The rendahls catfish is native to Australia and very uncommon in Home aquaria so projected aquarium size is around 35 cm tops

The 13" is my rendahls catfish and it's not 13 inches yet but that is a projected size....the cichlids are all Mildly aggressive and are all above juviniles status...I also would really like to know if my tanks are overstocked now and later on once fully grown....

The rendahls catfish is native to Australia and very uncommon in Home aquaria so projected aquarium size is around 35 cm tops

i didnt get that can u repeat it ? :p only messin
what are the tank dimesions? sometimes its best to look at the footprint of the tank aswell as the volume of water. :)
i dont know about the smaller tank but the 75g is gonna become a problem.The fm will harass the angels,barbs,rasboras and maybe the kribs.The sec will get large and will eat anything smaller than its mouth.1 tiger barb may become a fin nipper.I think you should either get rid of the small fish or get rid of the sev,fm maybe angels.
48" long 18" wide and 20" high...the Tiger barb has been in the tank for close to a year and about 2 months by itself and never nipped anything.... I keep a close look at all my cichlids all the time and they will not be a problem as I can always give it to a LFS when they get overly aggressive. Are any of these tanks over stocked? at fully grown or now?
Rasboras will get eating if kept in the 75 so good thing your moving em

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