Hey everyone. I have a 20 gallon long that I want to host some high flow freshwater fish in. I specifically want to have 2 or 3 hillstream loaches (Balitoridae, I think they're called). When looking at other fish to keep in there, I started with the idea that I will NOT get tetras- I LOVE tetras- can't get enough of them, but figured I'd do something different with this.
When I mentioned this build at the club a couple of folks immediately suggested danios of some sort. I know about zebra danio and the long fin, plus CPD, but not much else. I went to a site and found 36 different varieties! I didn't know there were so many or that they were so beautiful!
I am thinking I'll get a cannister filter just to overfilter (makes me feel better) and since the flow can be high it shouldn't be a big deal. I think I should have a long stretch where the flow goes most of the length of the tank, and then some kind of decent sized eddie (or more than one) where they can chill. No idea yet how to structure that.
I'm not so interested in plants for this one- I load most of my tanks with as many plants as I can jam in there, but figured I'd focus almost exclusively on the fish & hardscape. I am thinking maybe to add some buce plants and anubias and keep the light kind of low, but nothing too extravagant, and honestly I don't know how those plants would do in flow- I am guessing they'd have to be in the areas without flow. That would just be "gravy" though, so not really a big deal at this point.
I'd love input / suggestions. The only thing I'm set on is the hillstream loaches. I got the bug for those in here- one of you guys- Badger or Magnum Man (?) - set up a high flow tank with these in it and I have been really enamored with the idea.
TIP FOR THOSE WITH MTS & SPOUSE AGGRO: I started with 1 tank, like everyone, and have slowly grown to 7 active tanks over time. My wife said "absolutely no more" after I got 2 going, but I have managed to slip the others in. Anyway, I bought this tank and brought it home months ago. Didn't say anything, didn't do anything with it. Just put it on the bottom shelf of the rack in my fish room (it's really the laundry room, but I refuse to call it that). My wife saw it at one point, "What the heck is that?" "Oh, it's one I've had for a while," I replied truthfully. "It was on sale- I'm just holding on to it."
THEN, more recently, I organized the fish room (that made her happy) and happened to move the tank to the middle shelf sitting longways, just like I'll have it when I fill it up. It has sat there for a couple of months, so she's used to seeing it there.
Next step is to just fill it up. "Well, it was just sitting there" I will say, when the inevitable "WHAT, ANOTHER ONE?" comes
Ping me if you need some coaching- I live in a townhouse and will have 8 active tanks and a quarantine tank. I got this MTS thing down (she doesn't read this forum, thankfully).
When I mentioned this build at the club a couple of folks immediately suggested danios of some sort. I know about zebra danio and the long fin, plus CPD, but not much else. I went to a site and found 36 different varieties! I didn't know there were so many or that they were so beautiful!
I am thinking I'll get a cannister filter just to overfilter (makes me feel better) and since the flow can be high it shouldn't be a big deal. I think I should have a long stretch where the flow goes most of the length of the tank, and then some kind of decent sized eddie (or more than one) where they can chill. No idea yet how to structure that.
I'm not so interested in plants for this one- I load most of my tanks with as many plants as I can jam in there, but figured I'd focus almost exclusively on the fish & hardscape. I am thinking maybe to add some buce plants and anubias and keep the light kind of low, but nothing too extravagant, and honestly I don't know how those plants would do in flow- I am guessing they'd have to be in the areas without flow. That would just be "gravy" though, so not really a big deal at this point.
I'd love input / suggestions. The only thing I'm set on is the hillstream loaches. I got the bug for those in here- one of you guys- Badger or Magnum Man (?) - set up a high flow tank with these in it and I have been really enamored with the idea.
TIP FOR THOSE WITH MTS & SPOUSE AGGRO: I started with 1 tank, like everyone, and have slowly grown to 7 active tanks over time. My wife said "absolutely no more" after I got 2 going, but I have managed to slip the others in. Anyway, I bought this tank and brought it home months ago. Didn't say anything, didn't do anything with it. Just put it on the bottom shelf of the rack in my fish room (it's really the laundry room, but I refuse to call it that). My wife saw it at one point, "What the heck is that?" "Oh, it's one I've had for a while," I replied truthfully. "It was on sale- I'm just holding on to it."
THEN, more recently, I organized the fish room (that made her happy) and happened to move the tank to the middle shelf sitting longways, just like I'll have it when I fill it up. It has sat there for a couple of months, so she's used to seeing it there.
Next step is to just fill it up. "Well, it was just sitting there" I will say, when the inevitable "WHAT, ANOTHER ONE?" comes
Ping me if you need some coaching- I live in a townhouse and will have 8 active tanks and a quarantine tank. I got this MTS thing down (she doesn't read this forum, thankfully).