20 long tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2004
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Warning to all fish keepers: if you move, take everything out of the tank including gravel... my 20 long doesn't hold water anymore because i didn't do this.
but now, i'm thinking of putting something else in it:) any suggestions for small critters that would like this tank?
is this too small for rats? i've been thinking of getting a pair of rats for a little while now, and i would upgrade sometime to a bigger cage... but just thinking of that.
thanks all
stick insects
and on and on and on :rolleyes:
hehe... yeah, i'd love to make a terrarium, but its the seam from the bottom piece of glass to the sides thats leaking...blah.
i like the idea of a small lizard, or maybe a gecko.
i know a good lizard! it's very unique lookin....and i've only seen one in a petstore, and thats cuz the owner didn't want her any more. it has a club tail, spikes on it's back legs, and a big belly.....as evil as it sounds, it's really cool looking, and this one was very friendly.

it was an odd name too....wierd to pronounce. the guy said it's a lizard from russia. but, ne way...it's really cool lookin.

:EDIT: i looked it up, and found the name! yay! it's a uromastyx that i'm talkin about. but i can't find pics that look like the one i seen....*keeps lookin*
LEOPARD GECKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p


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I used to have a 30 gallon that I turned in to a terrarium good potting soil some easy plants and about four anoles and some curly tail lizards it was great they liked the natural environment and it was easy to care for. Because of the plants I never had to remove any organic matter :kana:
When my old 15g split on the bottom, I turned it into a home for Giant pricky Stick insects!

Also, have you considered Firebellied toads? Endearing little things, use moist moss as a substrate and a large-ish lunchbox sunken into the substrate provides a pool for them!

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