20 Gl Tank Waiting To Get Started.....


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2007
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so i have a 20 gl tank that i want to put my platy and guppy in it is being cycled right now has been cycling for about 2 weeks now. but i dont really know what kind of atmosphere a platy or guppy likes to be in. i want them to be happy and love their surroundings. and suggestions as to of what the tank should look like?
Platies and Guppies can be kept in bare tanks really, but every fish likes a place to hide away if it feels scared. Decorations are good. Plants are even better if you know how to take care of a planted tank.
a live plant will be good to provide some extra nutrients for your fish as they nibble on them.

put the platys in first and wait about 1 week then add the guppies, guppies are a little too sensitive to add into a newly cycled tank, platys are a little bit more tolerant

this will give you filter chance to adust itself to the amount of waste from the platys and stablize it even more
plants are also great for the fry to hide in before you find them.
Platies and Guppies won't actually eat the plants. They may be eating a bit of algae growth on the plants, but not the plants themselves.
ok. so plants are a plus. :good: and maybe some like decrative stone like structures in there as well. :good:
alright thanks a bunch! :thanks:

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