20 gallon tank


May 2, 2004
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im looking into buying a scavenger/pleco but i would like to know which to get. thanks.
How about otos and corys?

If you add some otos and corys (any kind) in your tank, you can take care of extra food from other fish and also algae problem.

And, most of all, they are cute. :)
What is the length of your tank? If it is a 2.5f tank, you could try a bristlenose pleco. They can work in a 2ft tank too but I personally wouldn't.

Definitely agree on the corydoras species - pick the ones you like. You will need at least 4 of them...
yea its a 2.5, is there any type specifically? i was looking at them and there are like alot of em
If you are referring to bristlenose plecos there aren't that many different species that are commonly called bristlenose (or were you referring to the types of tank? :lol: )

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