20 Gallon Tank

he means what surface area does the tank have is it a tall one a long 1 a shallow 1 a deep 1 ect... :)

nor maly can find out by seching on the nest for you tank and it will show u all the perimeters
hello fish-r-fancy,

it really depends on what your preferences are. :) i, personally, would have a tropical tank with gouramis, danios, and shrimp, or a species-only tank for some platties.

what type of fish do you like? what type of tank are you going for?

as for the water parameter question, you can still tell us the ph of your tap water. the ph will affect your fish choice.

good luck with the new tank.
Well I haven't even bought a test kit yet so I really don't know and sorry i didn't know about water paramimeters (knew to this). I like all kinds of fish really. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't sticking a fish in a 20 gallon that needed a 50 gallon because people at petstores will ,ie sometimes.
personally a nice tropical tank with a small school of cories (3-6) and like 4 platies or so (1m,3f), a school of neons (5ish). somethign liek that. obviously you won't be able ot add that all atthe same time but it's a rough sketch of an idea. you could defiantely though do loads with a 20 gal tank.

like stated above, knowing your ph of the water you'll be using will help a lot along with the hardness of it. but cories and platies ad stuff liek that are pretty undemanding when it comes to water conditions and casn withstand jsut about anything when it comes to human error (at least in my experience).
Why don't you check out the profiles section, start to get the feel for what kind of fish are even out there/what catagory they go in. Or, you could always go to your LFS and write down the names of whatever strikes your fancy. Let us know what you saw that you liked. Then, with a bit more knowledge of what you seem to like, I think we would be able to toss you more reccomendations than you could shake a stick at ;-}
Why don't you check out the profiles section, start to get the feel for what kind of fish are even out there/what catagory they go in. Or, you could always go to your LFS and write down the names of whatever strikes your fancy. Let us know what you saw that you liked. Then, with a bit more knowledge of what you seem to like, I think we would be able to toss you more reccomendations than you could shake a stick at ;-}

yes i agree do this and we would be able to help you a whole lot better. good luck and happy findings! :good:
You have 2 basic ways to go. A species tank or a community. As suggested above, have a look at the profiles and narrow things down to a couple species of fish that you are interested in. From there, we can advise you if tankmates are possible or not and which ones would work out. Much will depend on what is available to you locally. Visit shops near you to see what species are available and to get a look at live fish rather than just pictures. Talk to the owner/employees and decide who you feel comfortable dealing with when it comes time to make your purchases.
I coulden't get to the lfs because I'm not old enough to drive and my mom was busy so I went on liveaquaria.com to see what i liked. I really like the gold skirt tetras,neon tetras,cardinal tetras,clown loaches,cherry barbs,tiger barbs,rosy barbs,green tiger barbs and i liked the female bettas. Thanks everybody for all the help

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