20 Gallon Tank (fish Ideas)


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2007
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hey guys well.. i have a 20 gallon long tank that had two aurutus cichlids in it... my breeding pair and one of them died sniff sniff... so now that thats over with i want to turn my tank into more of a community tank.. what are some good options i should / could do? im really up to anything.. i just like trying new things and would like to here from everyone. i like most of the tetra species.. not really a huge fan of barbs. so i dont know if that helps.. same with mollies platys or swordtails. so i dont know if that narrows stuff down at all but haha..i also like danios .. and faster swimming fish haha.. so any ideas for good mix
Basically look for anything under 2 inches. A school of them will be perfectly fine in a 20 gal.

Most of the common tetra species and smallish danios (around zebra danio size) are fine for a 20 gal.

Cardinal, glowlight, neon, black neon, black skirt and lemon are some well liked tetra species.

Brlliant and harlequin rasboras are also very good looking in a school. Most of the rasboras are good for a 20 gal.

I'm also partial to the psuedomugil rainbowfish. They're typically a bit more expensive (~$10 around here, compared to ~$2 for most of the others I listed before) but are very good looking fish and should spawn readily if the water conditions are right.
I agree that a shoal (not a huge one) of zebra danios would look great, even have some regular and some albino (if possable)... and yes u can have zebra danios in a 20gallon,, maybe a dwarf gourami with them...

My suggesion tho it may get torn apart
ok.. well i think i have it figured out with what i would like. im with the Harelequin Rasboras.. the zebra danios and the cory cats.

will that be ok to do ? and if i do how many of each should i get?

what kind of cory cat to get?? thanks seth.
not exactly sure, danios are shoaling so 4-6 min. is recomended, and look great... couldnt tell u for the other 2 or if its a good combo so somebody else will be able to. Im glad ur goin wit zebra danios tho,,, amazing fish to watch cz there so hyper:p

which of the zebras are more fun? long finned short finned? also.. what kind of substrate do these kind of fish like? sand rock?? what kind of decor should i have in the tank and how much? anything to add to help with the ph??
do rasboras danios and corys like sand or gravel more?? which is more of there natural habitat?
Corydoras prefer a sand substrate, however you can keep them on on a fine gravel such as small pea gravel if you wish. As long as you avoid gravel with sharp edges you shouldn't have any problems.
well.. as of tomorrow im going to get 5 or 6 long tailed zebra danios and harelequin rasboras.. im also trying to get a hold of pool filter sand.
well.. i got some zebra danios today. the rasboras at both stores look TERRIBLE. but i added pool filter sand to the tank and it looks really cool. i love it. i end up getting getting 6 of them. any ideas on what cory cats? or what other fish i should try putting in the tank with the zebra danios? any other danios worth putting in the tank? or do you think i would be better off going for a different colored fish.. but yeah thanks!
Sorry to threadjack, but I'm looking into tetras and corys as well. I just set up a 22 gal tank (only 16 gal of water - the sand is pretty deep). It only has two plants in it at the moment, but I plan to add at least 4 more once I get my light box finished. I'll probably add a piece of wood or a rock too. My tap water is at a ph of around 8.

"I would go for:

8 harlequin Rasboras (or similar)
6 Corydoras
Pair of german blue rams"

Could I really keep so many fish in such a small tank? It seems like 16 fish would be a tad cramped in there.
that does seem a little to much.. but these fish dont really get that big.. ok danio lovers.. what are some other fun danios i could add to the tank?? i think im falling in love with these fish lol.. they are SO active and fun.. also are white cloud minnows any fun?
Are you talking about 20UK gallons or 20US gallons because that will make a difference. I work in UK gallons.

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