Hi there, am new to the forum but looking through other threads you sound like a very knowledgable bunch of people so I am sure you will be able to help me.
I have spare 20 gallon tank and am tired of the usual community setup. Having kept a lot of small tropicals and coldwater fish over the years, and drooling over pictures of interesting fish with more personality, now Ive gained a bit of experience I'd like to try summit a bit different. I dont have much room so this is as big a tank as im going to get at the moment, not ideal i know. Do you people have any suggestions of interesting species that would be suitable? I was thinking of getting a peacock spiny eel but have no experience with anything more eely than a loach so not to sure of their needs. any replies greaty appreciated.
I have spare 20 gallon tank and am tired of the usual community setup. Having kept a lot of small tropicals and coldwater fish over the years, and drooling over pictures of interesting fish with more personality, now Ive gained a bit of experience I'd like to try summit a bit different. I dont have much room so this is as big a tank as im going to get at the moment, not ideal i know. Do you people have any suggestions of interesting species that would be suitable? I was thinking of getting a peacock spiny eel but have no experience with anything more eely than a loach so not to sure of their needs. any replies greaty appreciated.