20 Gallon Long


Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2012
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i have a 2 gallon long fish tank with:
1 gbr
2 bristlenose plecos (2 in and 1 in)
2 ghost shrimp (2 in)

2 amazon swords
about 11 anacharis
1 cyperus helferi
a lot of java moss
1 crypt wendtii
1 anubias

1 30 gal filter
1 6.6 gallon filter
temp. 82 degrees ( vary from 79 to 82 depending on if heat is on in the house, i have a heater)

so my question is. could i put one angelfish in here for about 3 months until i get either a 30 gallon high, 40 gallon, or 55 gallon aquarium?
once i get the new tank i will transfer literally everything in this tank to the new tank. so would i be able to have an angelfish in here? the one i wanna get is about 1 inch long and 2 inches high.
also can anyone i dentify this anubias?


  • anubias.jpg
    10.7 KB · Views: 35
Yeah, you should be fine. When the angelfish gets bigger, it may eat the ghost shrimp though.
yea it should be fine for the time being, but i would say get a 55 gallon aquarium, or 40 gallon minimum. oh and for angelfish if u are thinking of adding a friend... they have to grow up together or will try to kill each other later when they are bigger.
i will probaly get 2 though, since they have 5 left in my lfs and they all came from the same breeder

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