20 Gallon Long


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.
Hi everyone,

I decided to make a female Betta community, out of my 20 gallon long. The male Betta that has been in there for the past 3 years died, and I don't really want to get another male for that tank. He just looks too...small. I don't know.

Anyway, the only other fish in there are 6 San Juan Cories. It's a planted tank, with lots of hiding places, and caves, and everything for the Cories. It's also over-filtered by about 20 gallons, because I put my spare filters in there, in case I ever need to set-up a tank quickly. The current isn't too bad though.

So, my question. How many female Bettas should I be able to get in there? I was figuring about 6-8. Is this too many? I know you need at least 4, I wasn't sure how many over 4 I could get, or should get. Any opinions or advice would be greatly appreciated! :D
I'd say that is a good idea. 6-8 would be good. But wihtout the cories, you could have about 12
Okay, thanks. The Cories are definitely staying, moving them is not an option. :)

Now I have to figure out if I should go back to my fish store, and get the 3 Delta and Veiltail girls I have been keeping my eye on, or wait a little while.... :X
I haveta disagree with you there. I have always been told that overstocked ever so slightly was the way to go for a female tank, the more the better to settle out aggression. Ideally, it would be fab if you could get them all as sisters, but I would think, without cories, you could fit 10 girls in there with no issue.

Edited, ahaha, what a fool am I. You so told me the cories were staying put. The origional statement of 6-8 girls will be fab then, especially with the nice filtration you have going on in there. (lucky!) Don't worry about the current, it's the males that dislike it so much! and in a 20 they'll have enough room to get away from it if they have an issue with it.
Well, I guess I could move the Cories..but it's so hard, to catch them, and then get them unstuck from the net (if they do get stuck) and I'd have to move them into the 30 community, with other Cories. I'd rather keep them in there. :p

I don't know if I could get sisters, but at my fish store they have a few female Betta community tanks. One of them has a red and blue Delta, 2 red and white marble VTs, a blue delta, and a pink CT. They have been living together for a while, and they always seemed to get along famously. I was thinking if I got those, they should be okay...and then I would just have to add in my Mustard Gas CT. Or maybe not...she can be pretty nasty sometimes. :/

But anyway, don't you think that if they have been living together for a while, and getting along fine, they should be okay in my tank? Or would the new enviroment cause them to behave differently?
I think if they have been living together at the LFS, then they should be fine together. The new environment might throw them off a bit so just keep your eyes open for any squabbling. Try to add them in right after another and not 1 one day, and 2 the next, or you could have some territory issues. You will love your sorority tank! Keep us posted on your new lil' girlies and PICS! We always demand pics! :D
Oh, no, I'd add them the same day. I'd feel bad leaving a few at the fish store, and then I'd worry if they got sold. I will keep my eye out for territory issues...I'd imagine they are a lot like keeping male Guppies together. Maybe. :p

I think I am pretty sure I will get those girlies...however, it might be a few days, since it's hard to get down there. That fish store is an hour away...and in the wrong direction from everywhere else I go. :( If I do get them, you will definitely be seeing pictures...probably more then you'll ever want to!
When you say alot, what do you mean by alot? Over here in the Betta section, we are always used to seeing 100+ pictures. So, when you say alot, do you mean anything over that?
I know, I lurk in the Betta section a lot, and see a lot of pictures. I'm not totally behind on this section. :D

So yes, quite possibly near that. :p Not in one post though, of course.
that 20 long sounds like heaven for a bunch of Betta girls!! :hey: I just got a 20 long for my grow-out, they rawk it.

My only advice, would be to check lots of places for the Betta girls, you can get many many females for very cheap online!! I bought 1 female Betta for $6 (+ $20 express shipping), and the breeder gave me 4 additional sister who are all GAWGEOUS!!! A lot of breeders will give you 6-8 community acclimated, pretty & healthy sibling females for a very reasonable price, if you check out Aquabid and breeder sites.
Okay, thanks for the tip! :D I will look around, and see what I can find. I love Marbles, so maybe I can find some marbled girls... :shifty:

I just have on other question...I posted this question on another forum (Not that I don't trust you all...I just wanted as many opinions as I could get) and they said 10-12 would be happy. To me, that seems a bit much, especially with the Cories. Am I right in thinking that?
I think the San Juans will be awesome there. Give the tank some added personality. Cories, I understaqnd, are sensitive to water issues, being a river fish, so watch that. I would worry to add ten fish at once to a tank, even with good filtration. It could be hard on the cories. I would assume though that 10 ladies could adjust to each other in a 20 long, depending on the aquascaping. Not that I've done it. But I might! :p

I am planning on my twenty long being my sorority tank. I have 4 in a 10 now and they have plenty of room for a couple more.
i have a 20 long with 8-10 girls (depending on health), 4 danios and an otto. i think you can definitely keep the cories with 8-10 female bettas. stocking is a little different with the anabantoids, i think, because they breathe air.
Hmmm....okay. I guess I'll try for 8 first, and then if it seems to be working okay, go for 10. However, will there be a problem if I add two later on? From my experience with other fish...I'd think they'd get a little aggression from the others, and then either accepted or rejected. Is it the same way with female Bettas?

I'm sorry for all the questions, I just want to do this right. Thanks everyone who helped so far, you're great. :D

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