20 gallon high stocking ideas??


New Member
Aug 13, 2020
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Hi all,

I have a 40 gallon tank with 2 fancy goldfish and a 10 gallon tank with a betta. I am looking to try a community tank set-up for the first time. I have a 20 gallon high that I was hoping I could use. My water hardness is 46ppm (very soft). I am not picky about what fish and am looking for a few stocking ideas! If possible, I'd prefer the fish to be pretty hardy as I am new at this. Thanks for any and all help!
Is a 20 gallon high 24 inches long? This will restrict the fish options somewhat, but there are still a lot of fish that will suit this tank. The problem is that there are just so many it's hard to give an all inclusive list :)

One of the easiest ways if you have any local LFS is to visit them all. Don't buy anything but make a note of the fish which catch your eye. Once you have a list, sit somewhere quiet and look them all up on Seriously Fish. Some of the list will need a larger tank. Some will need water harder than yours. Some will need a higher or lower temperature than the rest. Once you've eliminated the fish that won't work, post what's left on here :)
You should look at peacock gudgeons (Tateurndina Ocellicauda)!
I had a trio in my 20g high.
Beautiful fish with a great personality!

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