20 Gallon Cory Tank?

This Younger Spouse

Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2011
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Ely, Minn., USA
I've got a 20-gallon long with nobody home just now. Because of advice I've gotten here, I'm unlikely to put corydoras in my Jack Dempsey 55-gallon tank, but I love those little guys so much I just have to have some.

So I'm thinking about establishing the 20 as a cory tank. Smooth small grain sand substrate, plenty of places to hid, live plants, rocks and wood.

So, how many corys and who else would be good company for them? Lots of options here. I'd do larger tetras because they are cool, but my spouse basically has the tetras covered in our house. Hmmm, German blue rams, maybe?
Rams are nice. I've also seen the Balloon Rams which though being slightly weird are very cute too!
Mmmmm, just Googled Balloon Rams. VERY sporty!
They die very easily too. :(

I wondered about that too due to the fact that they are a mutation of the Blue Ram. My lfs claims they're more hardy than the Blue rams though. Not sure if I believe that. I take it you've tried them?
no, i spotted then in the lfs one day, was very tempted to buy them, went back next day for something else and they were missing, asked the guy at the till and he said "yeah, they snuffed it, they are not very hardy, we rarely sell them".
Well, I'm leaning hard toward GBRs and very contrasty patterned corys like the Sterbais, leopards or pandas. Really like those smallish placidish GBRs, and a dozen corys shoaling, well, that's to die for, eh?

And maybe one of those small pleco species with lots of cool pattern.

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