20 Gallon and 5 Gallon..

Dakota Ice

Fish Crazy
May 17, 2004
Reaction score
Collierville, TN
Haylo there!

This is my 20 Gallon high, Only one photo..


My Betta, Harvey..


A shot of my new 5 Gallon, which I am desperately looking for plants for.


SORRY that the pics are so cruddy!

The pics have great potential as your tanks look beautiful :wub: . One question is there a reason the water is low in both? I only ask because it is somewhat distracting. I would suggest using a tripod or an improvised rest(pile of books on a chair for example) and you will get a much clearer pic. Keep trying they look like great tanks!
Its too low? Gah.. I thought it was fine.. Guess me is wrong. :unsure:
My camera just SUCKS.. I cant get any close ups of my fish because... it sucks. Any tips for either of the tanks besides the water level?
Your not wrong. It's probably just a personal preference of mine but I keep my tanks so you can't see a gap between the top of the tank and the water. I think your tanks both look great and you have a beautiful betta. I have several tanks and my freshwater tropicals are by far the hardest to photograph in my opinion, because they are small, highly iridescent, and extremely active fast swimming fish. What kinda of camera are you using?
Hmm... lets see... I hope I can figure this out.. Im no techie.. hehe.. I just turned 13 last friday.

Loookksss like.. Kodak DC3400.. 2.0 Mega Pixel.. Im guessing thats a really bad camera? Because whenever I try to take a close up picture, it completely misses the fish, and if I manage to get the fish in there, its a blob. :crazy:

Is there some secret setting or something?

No, that's not a horrible camera, not fantastic for fish photos but not horrible. I can tell you what I do and that's about it. For tank shots, I use a tripod and no flash with the lights on in the tank, and the whole rest of the room dark. It is extremely hard if not impossible to photograph fish using your camera without a flash, the shutter speed is too slow. I recommend using a flash. To photograph fish in a tank with a flash you will have to either tilt your camera slightly downward or to the side so the flash will not reflect back at you. Most of all don't get discouraged taking pics of fish is HARD! Out of every 100 pics I take I may get 10 or so good ones.

p.s. try to anticipate the fish's movement so your one step ahead of them when the camera actually snaps.
Here is what we talked about...


  • 20gallnew.jpg
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It looks alot better in the blackness. I can never get it that dark.. heheh.. I -attempted- but I guess I failed.

Thanks for the help! :D


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