20 Gal Planted Tank Stocking Scheme


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
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This might belong in the newbie section (sorry if it does) but I'm really looking for plant advice rather than newbie tips, so i thought i'd bring it here. I'm starting my very first tank and have a rough idea of how I'd like it to turn out. If anyone can help me fill in the gaps or give me any advice I'd be very grateful.

I've decided that my first tank will be:
-20 gallons- long ( I'm buying a used 20 gal and have limited space and budget so this point is decided)
-Heavily planted (I'd love for it to be a natural looking tank with a lot of plants and some driftwood for the fish to interact with but if this look is not possible in a 20 gal i'll have to compromise )
-contain a school of 6 cory cats (will compromise if they wont work with the above)
- contain a school of very active tetra or barbs (again this point is dependent on the points above)

Having this worked out, I need to figure out:
-What plants?
-How will I cycle this tank (I was planning on fishless but I see from these forms that that may not be best for planted)
- The number and type of tetras/barbs
- Any tips you may have for a beginner ready to do his research

I'm a student at university, so I'll probably have to move this tank in 8 months. Is there any substrate/method of planting that will make this easier on the fish/plants? Right now for the active schoolers i'm leaning towards lemon tetras, tiger barbs, serpae tetra OR ruby barbs. If possible i would love a tank of red-lined torpedo barbs, but given their size I know this is impossible. Can you recommend any fish that look/behave like these fish do?

Thank you for any help you can give. I've asked alot of questions, If you can give me advice on any of them it would be a big help.

Hi, take a look at these:

Why we shouldnt fishless cycle planted tanks

Back To Basics

Planted aquarium resource centre (PARC)

Lots of places sell non-aquatics, so this should help you pick them out.
Non-Aquatic plants

You should get all the info from them, particularly the back to basics which is a brief summary, you can then decide whether you want low tech or high tech. what type of CO2 injection method (if you want any at all) etc etc. This will all determine how much maintenance and what plants you can keep.

High tech - fast growth, heavy fertilisation & CO2. lots of maintenance
low tech - slow growth, no/ weekly fertilisation, no CO2, minimal maintenance.

I would reccomend you have (for lighting) 30watts, a weekly fertiliser, and some liquid carbon daily with a weekly water change.

Or if you want less maintenance, 20watts, monthly water changes and no ferts or CO2.

Thanks, Aaron

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