2 X Eheim Pro 3 Connect To Uv


Fish Herder
Jan 20, 2007
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hi everyone, i have two eheim pro 3 filters - (2080 and 2180) and i have just purchased a vecton v2 600 UVS. how can i go about connecting the two outputs to the sterilizer?

i was thinking about having the two 16mm outputs go into something like this


and a 25 mm output going into the UVC. will this be ok? - i would also do the same for the output aswell.

any advice appreciated, Adam
might be okay however it might put alot of stress on that join with two inputs going to it'll be hard to cope with both flows imo

why don't you just put one filter through the UV ?
You only need to put a UV on 1 of the filters

what you have in the pic is a waste of time

you dont need a UV on every filter in the tank or i would need 4 x 25w UVs :lol:

you will still have 1 UV no matter how many filters you run throw it you are gaining nothing by putting 2 filters throw 1 UV apart from speed up the flow rate which is a waste of time with a UV the slower the better
I don't use UV's but my understanding is that the more contact time you get between the water and the light the better. If you slow the flow down you get better contact time, and the UV becomes capable of killing more organisums. That's my underestanding of it anyway :good:

If you did want to connect two filter outlets together, you could use the junction you have in your opening post, but the output needs to be of a wider bore than the two input connections, or you will get a serious loss of flow from the filters, due to an increase in pressure in the pipes. :nod:

All the best
ok, but will the UV still be as effective?

Thanks Adam

one word yes :nod:

you only need one UV on one filter per tank if you read the instructions on the UV it will tell you the max flow rate is 1700 lph hour but putting the 2 filters on 1 outlet you will be pushing 3800 lph

the less flow the better even if you have a UV that will let you push 2400 lph pushing 1700 lph is much better the slower the flow the better

the only problem with push to slow is it will boil the water

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