the one and only
i started my tank 2 weeks ago, got some fish in there, neons to start with, then a siamese fighting fish, and then, a few little ones with rainbow tails (not sure what they called my son got them for me, but will look them up) and then i got a siver shark,and some large blue ones, ( son again), everything is going fantastic , i did lose one neon and i think he got trapped when i moved an ornament, but hes gone to the doctor in the sea,
the prob is when i stared i put 11 neons in and now down to 6.. cant see them anywhere,and i am totally mistified as to whats happening to them..
the shark isnt looking too guilty but he wasnt happy with the food that i was feeding or at least didnt seem to be, but hes ok now hes eating fine and thus no more neons have gone missing.
now you know what im thinking...what do you think??
ALSO ...
my filter has broken down, i got it off ebay now the seller dont want to know( only 1 week old), so i am currently only running my undergravel filter, it has 4 stand tubes, but with 2 air pumps ( suitable for size of tank)can only get 2 to look busy, this has been going on for about 20 hours so far, but have already grossley abused the budget that i had set for the set up.. so im a bit stuck, i definatley cant afford to get it wrong again,
my tank size is 48inchx25inchx 14 inch (app) would i be better getting an external filter to save on this possibly happening again??
and also is it ok to put plant food in the tank just now when its still cycling? as the poor things are being chewed to bits..
i hate the gravel that i have put in,and want to put in something neutral in colour, when should i do this??the guy at the local fish center told me to wait ( i am in doubt to wether further into the cycle would be the right time)tho i have been known to be wrong, and i am brand new to all this fishy stuff tho i love it already, would it be ok further in as long as i gave them something for stress,
i thankyou all in adavance for your advice and i know im going to get some good from you as i have been reading for days what you all say, but only just thort to register..