2 Questions


Fish Crazy
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX, USA
ok i know that a marine tank is really 2 tanks...a day and a night tank...i turned on my ceiling light tonight and i just happened to look in and see 2 strange worms, but they both retracted quickly...after about 2 hours of playing hide and go seek with them i finally god a picture. theres a white worm on the left, and a thicker shorter black worm on the right, they are both circled. any know what they are?


also i am happy (i think) to say that one of my xenia split. now i dont know if this is a good or bad thing, i'm hoping its good. this happened about 2 days ago and the new xenia still hasnt really opened up. so i'm wondering if it's dead? should i remove it, or should i leave it alone?
xenia in question is on the left

I'm going to guess hydroid worms? Wait for someone else to give a more positive ID before you draw your guns but googling them might be a good idea.
Dunno about the worms, but if the Xenia did split, that's a good thing
I'd say he's just picked a bad spot to split to (upside down, perhaps a bit shady or maybe 'coz he's touching the rock below). There's a way of taking them off the rock and moving them, but I've never done it. However IME they move to suit themselves and he'll probably find a more suitable position in time. They're pretty hardy things, I wouldn't worry too much.
The worms are probably peanut worms. Harmless scavengers. Similarly, the snail is a bumblebee snail, which is a type of scavenging whelk like the Nassarius.

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