2 Questions


New Member
Sep 20, 2006
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How soon after spitting fry will a yellow lab breed again? My mama yellow lab spit the fry oh...what...4 or 5 days ago? And it looks like her pouch is filling up again already...

Also, with green terrors, how big do they get before starting to show the red on the fins of the males?

How soon after spitting fry will a yellow lab breed again? My mama yellow lab spit the fry oh...what...4 or 5 days ago? And it looks like her pouch is filling up again already...

Also, with green terrors, how big do they get before starting to show the red on the fins of the males?


Ref the yellow lab, you've answered your own question. Immediately!!
i think you may have two options,

one they are remains of the original batch of fry or they have indeed bred again..

i had this once that a few fry did not come out originally and was still in their 10 days later..... :lol:

females tend to have cycles of betwen 4-6 weeks, so it is entirely possible that it is a new spawning, keep an eye on it, is it a mouth full of a few grown fry taking up the space of a new clutch of eggs?

Hope this helps :D

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