2 Questions


Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Canada, Ontario
i was reading this random article about bettas, and before he would breed his veiltails, he would give them some sort of cheese? :huh: anyone ever heard anything

next question

how big would a tank have to be to have lets say 3 female bettas and a male *just wondering never going to do it*

and i know it depends on the male and how aggresive he is, i was just wondering :)
i was reading this random article about bettas, and before he would breed his veiltails, he would give them some sort of cheese? :huh: anyone ever heard anything

next question

how big would a tank have to be to have lets say 3 female bettas and a male *just wondering never going to do it*

and i know it depends on the male and how aggresive he is, i was just wondering :)

To answer your first question: I have never heard of something like that. I wouldn't do it.

To answer your second question: NEVER keep a male with one or 405739047597 females! You are asking for trouble!!!!! The only time a male and female should be together is in the spawn tank.
if what you mean is having a few females and letting the male go in there for a while to watch him flare and see them interact,which ithey both enjoy,then youd need atleast a 20 litre tank with somewhere for females to hide.this gives them room to swim around.if they have enough room they usually wont get aggressive to begin with.

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