2 Plecs Too Many For 29g?


New Member
Apr 12, 2007
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I love my Snowball Pleco L102 and would like to add another. I read that the plecs can be territorial. My snowball likes to go from the cave on the left side of the tank to the bogwood on the right and I would hate to have him confined to one side b/c of another pleco. Can I add another or should I let my one pleco have full reign of the tank? Thanks for any input :good:
what are the tank dimensions?

I wouldnt worry too much about 2 plecs in a 29g. as long as the 2nd one is a small one ;)
I got 2 plecos in my tank. They are doing just gr8.

Me too now.

Granted that they are Clown Plecos :hyper: One seems to have took the cave, the other has took the bogwood, so theyre both happy.

How about adding another bit of bogwood on the other side.
Tank is 24L 12W 21H (all in inches)
As for putting a piece of bogwood on the other side not a bad idea. I currently have two pieces in place on the right side of the tank 1(8L , 4W) 2(21L with various curvatures) I am working on being able to upload a photo.
Thanks for the input.
thats a small footprint for plecs really - you sure they are right as it cant be 29 gallons.
its 100L which is about 25 us gal... (approx 20 uk)
(its the same footprint as a 2ft x 1ft x 1ft "starter tank" 15us gallons...)

I'd stick with the one to be honest - PlanetCatfish say they get to about 7"-8" - possibly too big for the tank on its own :(
After your calc I went and remeasured and the L and W are the same at 24 and 12 but the h was off it is 23 not 21 as I must have been off the first day I measured or remembered incorrectly this whole time. Which gives me 28 gallons. The footprint is small as the tank is taller than most as when I picked it out I needed something smallas I live in a studio apt and have limited space. Well thanks for the advice. I def will not be purchasing another pleco, until I get another larger tank anyways. I hope I am not cramping my little guy too much in the mean time though. :(
I like the set-up. It aids with the plec as he has more surface area to roam around on.

Its actually a very small footprint for that sized tank - not good for plecs.

A tank that is taller like this, is more suited to mid-water shoaling fish ;)

dont get me wrong - Plecs will be fine in it - just not as many as the volume of water might suggest.
I like the set-up. It aids with the plec as he has more surface area to roam around on.

Its actually a very small footprint for that sized tank - not good for plecs.

A tank that is taller like this, is more suited to mid-water shoaling fish ;)

dont get me wrong - Plecs will be fine in it - just not as many as the volume of water might suggest.

Very well thanks for the input. Im glad I consulted knowledgeable individuals before rushing off to my lfs. I am going to stick with my one guy. I would hate to cramp his style and I have plenty of time and tanks to come for more plecs. :nod:

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