2 Platy Deaths


New Member
Apr 28, 2007
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Hi there,i stocked my tank a week ago with guppies,2 mollies,swordtails and platys.It is an established tank and water quality is fine,but in the last three days i have lost two of my 6 platys,they have no obvious signs of disease and literally just dropped.Are platys weak fish or am i doing something wrong?any advice plz
Hi there,i stocked my tank a week ago with guppies,2 mollies,swordtails and platys.It is an established tank and water quality is fine,but in the last three days i have lost two of my 6 platys,they have no obvious signs of disease and literally just dropped.Are platys weak fish or am i doing something wrong?any advice plz

what size is the tank?
Hi there,i stocked my tank a week ago with guppies,2 mollies,swordtails and platys.It is an established tank and water quality is fine,but in the last three days i have lost two of my 6 platys,they have no obvious signs of disease and literally just dropped.Are platys weak fish or am i doing something wrong?any advice plz

what size is the tank?
possibly they were sick when you bought them... this has happened to me many times.
what are the other dimensions and what is the exact stocking numbers? and water quality results: ammonia? nitrite? nitrate? pH?
Platies are generally considered pretty hardy fish. Like others are asking, what are the full dimensions on the tank and what are your water levels? Without knowing that, it's hard to tell anything. What do you mean by established tank? Did you already have fish in the tank? How many and how long? What kind of filter do you have on the tank and how long has it been running on that tank? That is a lot of fish to add at once. You may have just created a bioload that the bacteria colonies couldn't keep up with so quickly.
how many fish did you add at once??? you said 6 plattys but how many of the others? i bet it was an ammonia spike if you added like 10 fish at once.
how many fish did you add at once??? you said 6 plattys but how many of the others? i bet it was an ammonia spike if you added like 10 fish at once.
THE TANK HAS BEEN UP AND RUNNING FOR 6 MONTHS.I added 6 platys,5 guppies and 2 mollies and 2 swordtails,no other fish were in the tank as the ones that were i transfered to my other tank.The water quality is fine ammonia 0 nitrite 0 so i know its deffo not ammonia spike.All the other fish are fine and the fish i took out of that tank and transferred to my other tank are all doing great!!
There are still a lot of missing pieces of information.

You got a new tank, so I assume this tank was housing other fish prior to these fish being added. How large is the tank? You still haven't clarified that one. Did the filter stay in place? Was a water change done before the new fish were added? Is there a heater on the tank? You didn't mention nitrates in your water readings.

It's difficult to find a the cause without complete information, and even then, you can't always tell 100%. It could possibly have been how the fish you purchased were acclimated in the store. The difference from the store to your tank may have caused enough stress to kill the two fish. Were you doing drip acclimation?

How are the other fish doing now?

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