2 New Dwarf Puffers


New Member
Oct 15, 2005
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Yesterday I got 2 new dwarf puffers from my local petsmart. They are healthy and happy and co habitating together without issue. They both appear to be females, but then I am no expert. Today they both ate some bloodworms for breakfast.

I have fallen in love with these guys and I definately think that I will be getting some for my 10 gallon tank as soon as I get my mollies relocated elsewhere.
Congrats on your new fish! Yay!

Make sure you have lots of plants and caves in your 10 gallon set up to mix up the eyeline! Also, plase note that even in the 10 gal you should only have 2 unless you have amazing filteration and lotsof caves and plants.
couple of questions:

1) what size tank do you have them in currently? for territorial reasons, the guide we use is 5g per adult dwarf puffer

2) you don't have them in a community tank, right? dwarves are horribly bitey little creatures.

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