2 Males In 1 Tank!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2005
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:crazy: i saw a massive tank with lots of fish today.....anyways i saw 2 male betta veil tails in there!!!!! :crazy: they passed each other a few times but just reacted like any normal fish!!! :crazy: whats all that about....one was green and red and one was red.... :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Yeah, it's probably just a period of time before they really try to beat each other. People are uninformed and it probably happened because of that. When my male jumped the divider into the other's side they were fine, but I took them out as soon as I realized. If they had stayed together, like the males in that tank, they would have surely killed each other or wounded each other as to cause fatal injuries. Poor things.
nope im dead sure....no dividers...aparrently they were like that for a few hours.....
probably lazy, in bred, pet store fighters that have lived in cups their whole lives so are exploring the space and they dont know how to fight.

Happens all the time.

Fighting is an instinct, they are born knowing how to fight. They may not be fighting as they know there's plenty of territory to escape to or some other condition we don't know about. I believe it's just a matter of time tho, before they size each other up and start ripping each other apart.
Could just be that they've lived so long right next to another fish..that they are so accustomed to the presence of another betta..they just don't care anymore.

Kinda like fish who are kept uncarded beside each other in your own homes...the ones that don't flare at each other anymore.

I agree though..it's not a good idea and things coudl change at any moment
additionally, some juvies develop the "kill" instinct later than others, so it could be that they were just young.

Yeah, one shop near me (in the UK, mind), they had a tank with about 7 PK juvies (male) they were calling 'peaceful bettas'.... I asked and he said 'oh, they're a sub-species'.... Yeah, pink and white, young (quite small), obviously selectively bred for colour... Sub-species my backisde. Still, they were gorgeous colours, would have made some lovelly babies :)

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