2 male guppies with no females in a 20g?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2003
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I managed to save only 2 guppy fry a couple of months ago and they have both turned out to be male, there are no females(the mother is dead) in the tank and no room for any more so as they get bigger are they going to be aggressive towards each other?
Personally I think they should be fine. I now also lost most of my batch of guppies and only 4 males of one batch survived. They are living together in a 10 gallon. They do nip at eachother a little, but they have not done any damage to eachother with it. Good luck and keep us posted.

When you say 2 males in a 20 gallon tank but no room for more I guess you have some other fish in there ?

Two males wont fight as long as they have their own space. Sometimes I have had them crowded and they havn't fought but put in a female and then they will start to try to establish dominance over each other.

In other words it's the females that cause all the problems. :lol:

But seriously I am sorry to hear you lost most of your guppies, including the mother. What is the temperature and PH? You may have the wrong conditions for Guppies ?


I've got 8 males in a 30 gal tank (bad advice from the LFS) and after a rough start everyone's getting on fine.
Yes they'll try establish a heirachy...and they will keep challenging each other. Guppies are quite hardy fish...and they hardness and pH shouldn't affect them as much (Too the EXtremes of course) however if anything I would be worrying about the ammonia, nitirie levels. How are they by the way? ;)
All the water conditions are fine, the mother died a day or so after giving birth.

The tank has a mixture of livebearers in.
It could just be that old bad stock from singapore routine again.

I asked about your temperature and pH for the simple reason that if you have a pH below 6.5 ( it happened to me when I put a piece of bogwood in one of my tanks for the scavenger cats - and yes catfish people I did boil the bogwood and I know catfish are not really scavengers - right) your guppies will not be happy and will just up and die - especially if the water gets too warm.

But if you have livebearers then the water should be ok .Thats why I say it could just be bad stock. I lost a lot of pretty fish for the same reason and what fry I did get were ugly and deformed.

Hope your fry are ok.

I use only guppies I have got from breeders or have bred myself now and fatalities and monsters have gone way down.

Colin :thumbs:

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