2 in 1?

Sep 8, 2005
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North Carolina
I am wanting to get a girl from Synirr and I just wanted to know if I can keep my girl I've got now with the one I'm getting from Synirr in a 1 gallon? Be easy no bashing please just a question. If not can I keep them in a 2 gallon?

P.S. I'm getting a digital camera tomorrow so I can finally post pictures of my babies.
One gallon is the minimum size for a single betta, with 2.5 - 5 gallons preferred. For two fish, it's out of the question, both in terms of size and unsuitability in terms of temperament. I've learned the hard way that even the recommended minimum of four females to a 10g community - even if they're all spawn siblings - can be too few to even out the aggression. If you really want to keep the two girls together (and they can be very fun to watch interacting at the divider, so I can see why you would) then at the very least you should keep them in a divided 2.5 gal, like the Minibows you can purchase from Walmart (and if you got them a divided 5g I bet they'd love you forever! :p)

2.5 gal Minibow

5 gal Minibow
Females can be just as territorial as males.

It is recommened to have no less 10 gals and no less than 4 girls to even out the hostility and give them all the space they need.

Just from personal experience, when I began keeping females, I didn't research it and I put two females together in a 5 gal. One killed the other. I've heard many similar stories. :/

You'd be better off getting them each their own 1 gal or splitting the 2 gal into two parts, one for each.
I just have a question, no bashing ~ why is it so hard to get 2 females and keep them in two separate 1 gals? 1 gals cost less than $10, thats not too steep. And they take up hardly any room :hey:.. you can get a 2gal Kritter Keeper for $10, too. Community tanks take a lot of work, so it's probably better that you wait and find females that you see as compatible and a nice big tank with tons of plants and caves.
You can get a 1 gallon critter keeper here for less than 4 dollars..... I agree really no reason to ever risk it, when there is such a cheap alternative.
The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
Well the thing is, I don't have enough plug ins. I keep kicking beakers as it is, so if i just wait until I get a 10 gallon, I can keep six girls in..

Though it is not my preferred method, you can keep bettas without filtration. Four of my gentleman are kept that way now, all are in greater than 1g, though. As for heat, the room temperature is at 78, and each of them have a thermometer, and are near a source of light so they can have live plants. My bowls were like $4 a piece. Definitely the cheapest tanks I've had! You just have to be up on water changes. I change 2x a week and they are happy. It doesn't take long, the WC last no longer than about 30 minutes. Very doable. The extra oulets wouldn't be necessary if you had a warm room or didn't keep live plants like I do. But if you are heading towards the female community, I guess that's where your going. But be prepared to densly plant and provide about a million hiding places.
lljdma06 said:
The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
Well the thing is, I don't have enough plug ins. I keep kicking beakers as it is, so if i just wait until I get a 10 gallon, I can keep six girls in..

Though it is not my preferred method, you can keep bettas without filtration. Four of my gentleman are kept that way now, all are in greater than 1g, though. As for heat, the room temperature is at 78, and each of them have a thermometer, and are near a source of light so they can have live plants. My bowls were like $4 a piece. Definitely the cheapest tanks I've had! You just have to be up on water changes. I change 2x a week and they are happy. It doesn't take long, the WC last no longer than about 30 minutes. Very doable. The extra oulets wouldn't be necessary if you had a warm room or didn't keep live plants like I do. But if you are heading towards the female community, I guess that's where your going. But be prepared to densly plant and provide about a million hiding places.

I know, see......Oh lord let me tell you if I could keep bettas in bowls my room would be a huge betta :lol: See I like filtered tanks, because I'm always busy and I don't have enough time (now don't think I'm lazy it's just I have my homework and studies) Plus I don't think Synirr would like me putting his girls in bowls.
I don't think she would chase you down and scalp you or anything, but yes, she'd probably be happy to see them happy ;)

Bettas in smaller tanks actually don't like filtration; it's too hard on them to fight the current. In a larger tank, though, a weak current should be okay; besides, it'll make water changes just a little less frequent!
Andie said:
I don't think she would chase you down and scalp you or anything, but yes, she'd probably be happy to see them happy ;)

Bettas in smaller tanks actually don't like filtration; it's too hard on them to fight the current. In a larger tank, though, a weak current should be okay; besides, it'll make water changes just a little less frequent!

But I'm only studying for my Doctoral Prelims and have no social life, so I've plenty of time to change betta bowls. :p What's really cool is watching the floating plants. They are really doing well in the bowls without getting caught in the filtration like they do in my bigger tanks!
Hey, I've still got three bettas in bowls, ain't nuthin' wrong with that :lol:. We have central heat and air and they're right beside a lamp, so it's not a problem. I keep most of my bettas in 1 gallons too... as much as I'd like to upgrade them all, as many as I have at this point it's just too expensive. I'll probably start buying one 2.5 gallon a month or something and do the ugrading gradually. Another problem with that it that I weigh less than 100lbs and lifting 1 gallon is a whole lot easier than lifting 2.5 :/
You weigh less than 100lbs!!!!!!!!! :crazy: Do you eat though?? Synirr you worry me...
redbetta said:
You weigh less than 100lbs!!!!!!!!! :crazy: Do you eat though?? Synirr you worry me...
Haha, yes I eat. I'm only 5'3", and I actually weight a few pounds more than my mother did at my age... we're small people :p

The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
but do fish care if you keep a betta, in a larger tank then they have? I mean would the betta get upset that his tank is smaller then anothers?
A 2.5 or 5 gallon tank is the best size for bettas, in my opinion, but the ones I have in 1 gallons don't seem to notice that a couple of the others have larger tanks than they do.

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