The ultimate_fish MaC dAddY said:
Well the thing is, I don't have enough plug ins. I keep kicking beakers as it is, so if i just wait until I get a 10 gallon, I can keep six girls in..
Though it is not my preferred method, you can keep bettas without filtration. Four of my gentleman are kept that way now, all are in greater than 1g, though. As for heat, the room temperature is at 78, and each of them have a thermometer, and are near a source of light so they can have live plants. My bowls were like $4 a piece. Definitely the cheapest tanks I've had! You just have to be up on water changes. I change 2x a week and they are happy. It doesn't take long, the WC last no longer than about 30 minutes. Very doable. The extra oulets wouldn't be necessary if you had a warm room or didn't keep live plants like I do. But if you are heading towards the female community, I guess that's where your going. But be prepared to densly plant and provide about a million hiding places.