2 Gallon Shrimp Tank?


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2014
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I was just curious if a 2 gallon tank would be suitable for a small group of red cherry shrimp?

I have a 2 gallon tank somewhere in my basement from my last betta (my current betta is in a 10 gallon). I'm not rushing to set it up or anything, I just wanted to know if I could get any use from it. 
i had a 7gallon shrimp set up. was good for about a year. then for what ever reason the ph droped like a stone. killed all the shrimp. smaller tanks are more difficult to keep stable. and shrimp are sensitve to the slightest change in water chemistry. thats not to say some people dont have any succes with them. this is just my experience.
Interesting, I'll keep that in mind. I'll definitely do 'research on keeping them before I even attempt anything.
starlitsunrise said:
I was just curious if a 2 gallon tank would be suitable for a small group of red cherry shrimp?

I have a 2 gallon tank somewhere in my basement from my last betta (my current betta is in a 10 gallon). I'm not rushing to set it up or anything, I just wanted to know if I could get any use from it. 
Does the tank have a filter? The shrimp will die off quickly without one.
I would need to get a small sponge filter and a heater as well.
Sorry for the double post.
I just got a small mystery snail for my 10 gallon tank, however, my betta decided she wanted to eat him...if I were to make the 2 gallon shrimp tank, would having 1 mystery snail sharing the tank be doable or would I need a larger size tank? 
basic air driven sponge filters are the best for shrimp. the babys arnt in danger of being sucked in and they love to feed on them. its also worth investing in a good quality air pump for this type of filter. belive me from experience. the cheap ones just dont cut it. thier fine for air stones but if you want your filter to get good through put, get a good one. the interpet airvolution range are pretty good.
Thanks for the info

I actually just got back from walmart with a new 5 gallon tank. I'll be setting it up soon and when it is through cycling I'll put both my snail and some new little shrimp in there too
Awesome! If you haven't already you can scrape off a little bit of the bettas filter bacteria and place it on the new filter and that will speed up cycling. 

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