2 Fish Problems! Goldfish with Red Eye &

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Fish Addict
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
Today one of my friends gave me 3 goldfish, I knew I didn't have any tank to put them in but I had to take in these fish or my friends would have flushed these little guys :-(
The only tank which I had some space in was my 6gal... The only fish in the 6gal is the Betta with Swim Bladder Disease, I thought because he had the disease he would be more calm and gentle and mabye even ignore the goldfish... How wrong was I :unsure: After 15min of floating the plastic bag (so that the temperatures became equal) I let out the goldfish. Everything was fine for a few seconds with the Betta laying down on the gravel but them a quick as a flash he swam straight up to the Red-Cap Goldfish and bit him on the eye :crazy: I quickly tooks out the betta and placed him in my spare 1gal tank. The Red-Cap Goldfish has a red eye now :-( ...what do I do? Should I add some Melafix?
With the Betta he still has Swim Bladder Disease, I just bought some Melafix today so I'm going to add that to the water. He still eats, flares... and attacks other fish as you have just read :grr:
Does anyone have any advice of help with any of my to fishes?
:-( ...None of my posts have been ignored like this before...
I decided to do something on my own... I added Melafix to both the 6gal tank with the Goldfish and the 1gal Tank with the Betta. Let's hope this helps :-(
OMG, sorry guppylover I have only just seen this post :/

The melafix should help with the Redcap Oranda and
you might want to give "him" a salt bath as well.
The betta with swimbladder needs some internal
parasite treatment, If you havn't done so already.

Very sorry to have overlooked this post :*)

I hope they get better soon
Thank you so much for replying Danio2004,
I'll get some aquarium salt and internal parasite treatment today. The Redcap Oranda still has a red eye but apart from that he seems ok. The betta still eats, so I guess that something good. He has been like this for a while now... let's hope he gets better.

Thank you again :)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and your fish

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