2 Female Guppies Hiding

Female guppy has offically died - going to leave the tank with the tetras in till I get the water testing kit in the post and wait for the water to be 'perfect'.

Could anyone suggest what type of fish I keep because I've have not had any luck with guppied as one after another they have all died. I'm thinking of platys?

Hi I am very new to this forum ,,infact it is my first post. I have been keeping tropical fish for around 15 years now and in the past i have gone through the same as you , many years ago.

Guppies are very nice fish to have but i have problems with them just like you , i do have some guppies that over the years were born in the tank and now have no / or very little colour and they are very strong and hardy fish, if i got some from the shop then they would only last from 24 hours to a week so i dont bother with them anymore.

Once your water is sorted out and by the way you have recieved some really good advice here i would just introduce a couple of tetras at a time and see how they do over a few weeks then add a couple more if all is ok but do not over stock.

For now i would keep away from livebearers and stick to the tetra family , rams also do well
Just to add my limited experience on this...

The morning after I purchased my Cardial Tetras I noticed one dead, one fish with most of it's tail missing and the others with exactly the same white marks on their fins (I later noticed that the fish in the LFS had the same marks so I assume they came with them).

After self diagnosing I decided it was some sort of bacterial fin rot which I treated for. After the treatment ended, I made sure I kept the water very clean by changing it every day or so for a week. The white marks then disappeared but the injured fish never grew back it's tail.

I don't know if it was the treatment, the overly clean water or just time that cured them.

As for Guppies, I'm close to giving up on them and have had ongoing problems.
You might want to check all your neon fish and see if any of them might be swollen up, especially around the stomach area. You could be looking at a internal infection, dropsy that is slowly positing the water. I had something like that happen to me. Then the neon died, burst stomach (I thought it was pregnant...) and killed everything in the tank.

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