2 Female Bettas


New Member
Jul 18, 2005
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I have a 2.5 gallon minibow and I have a female betta in already. Im wondering if i could put another in?
Its well planted and If it doesnt work I could always put one of the female bettas in my one gallon.
From, personal experience, female bettas are more aggressive than they are credited. I tried 4 females in a 6 gallon unsuccessfully.
if you had 2 female bettas one would get beaten to death so you need a minimum of 4 to spread out the aggresion and your tanks not big enough for 4
if you had 2 female bettas one would get beaten to death so you need a minimum of 4 to spread out the aggresion and your tanks not big enough for 4

To have 4 females how big a tank would you need? I've always wanted to have more than 1 betta together after Chance ... well... has left me someday....

I don't want to go larger than 10g though (5 1/2 preferred) so may have to go with a divided tank. How would 1 male or 1 female betta do in 2.75g each?
Well, in a 10 gallon, you could keep six females. I think you may be able to keep 4 in a 5.5 gallonn.

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