2 Emperor 400's or 2 HOT Magnums for 55g tank?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Getting a 55 Gallon tank to replace my current 30g loaded with guppies.

The tank will most likely be overstocked with guppies and their babies.

Here is the link to the Magnums:


Here is the link to the Emperor 400's:


The HOT Magnums will run me about $130 for both, the 400's about $100.

The $30 price difference is not a factor. The magnums are rated at 250g per hour, the 400 at 400gph. Each HOT Magnum comes with the Bio-wheels as well.

I just want the cleanest tank possible.

Ray Nist
Id just get 1 of each. No need for 2. But if I ha a 55 gallon I would get the same thing. :)
I'd go with one of each also. I've got the Emperor 400 on my 75 gallon and I'm really happy with it. I've got a Penquin 330 on my 55 gallon as well. I had a Magnum canister (very old, unfortunately it died) and was thinking about getting a one of the H.O.T Magnums. What I liked about the H.O.T. Magnum was the water polishing feature and the ease of moving it between tanks . With the bio wheels option it's even more appealing. I like lots of filtration on my tanks and my swordies demand a lot of current (if the water isn't rippling they pout).

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