2 dwarf puffers


Fish Crazy
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Auburn, ca
will a heavily planted (probably fake) 6 gallon, work for 2 puffers or should i keep it to just 1. I wont be getting one anytime soon but the thoughts in the air. I've done a little research and a few places say 1 inch per 1.5-2 gallons. I know they're agressave so i would need to break up the line of sight with plenty of plants.

does transporting them stress them enough to make 'em puff up IE from the LFS.

also curious
I'm getting mixed numbers on fig 8's is it they grow 2-3 in or 3-4 in

and if its 2-3 is this also an option?
No, transporting puffers does not make them puff in my experiance, but remember to never take them out of the water when tranfering them from tank to bag then back to tank.

Six gallons is not big enough for two Dwarf puffers in my opinion.

They may be fine until they become mature in a couple of months, but then one will kill the other.
I agree. I'd say that it would be better for the puffers to get one for a six gallon, but I'd say the ideal situation would be to get a larger tank with two puffers. The number we've generally agreed upon on this forum is 5 gallons per dwarf puffer, so a 10 gallon with 2 or a 15 with three.

In my experience, the dwarf puffers are social provided they're not crowded. They enjoy interacting with other puffers much more than being alone in a tank, as far as I've seen. It gives them something to do, but be sure you don't overcrowd them.
Thanks guys, i appreciate the advice. I did just pick up one puffer for the 6 gallon, but hes got an ottoclinus to keep him company and a few snails to munch on (plenty more snails in the other tank for breeding for food).

mow when i was at the pet store they had 2 idwarfs n the tank one much lighter than the other, is the lighter a female or just stressed?

its great you got a new puffer but i dont think it can be kept with the otto!!!!ive heard they are very terrotorial and will kill any other fish that they are with.Especially in such a small tank........I would take out the otto

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