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Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
Last night my purple butterfly I got about 5 days ago was jumping and popping the lid on his tank. I lowered the water level about and inch and he continued to hit the lid on his tank. Woke up this morning and he was dead as a doornail.

Went in to check on the sick female.... dead as a doornail.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(
:dunno: I don't know.

Thought she had fin rott but then her body turned white last night and she was dead this morning.
wow auratas youve had alot of bettas dieing recently you must have a betta killer learking in your house. j/k sorry to hear from that i know how you feel mine also jumped.
The room isn't cold. They all have lights on them too. Out of 17 bettas two died. I don't think that's a LOT but it's still very sad. I've had a LOT of problems but none have died from it until today.

It's all happened within the last two weeks. Almost every betta has something wrong. I think I'm going to loose my girl in the 29 gallon by tonight or tomorrow. Every betta I treated with melafix is dead or dieing.

I can't find bettamax anywhere. I don't know what to do. Here is the thing though. There are two bettas that I skipped a water change on because I felt they didn't need it. I changed everyone else. Those two that I didn't change are the two that are still healthy... which is why I think there is something wrong with the water or the filter system my mom bought about (ding ding ding) two weeks ago.

Edit: My betta didn't jump. He was dead in his bowl but he was trying to jump last night. He was the only betta I tried the live plant bulbs on so far. I doubt that would do anything but he was healthy and active the night before. Unless he killed himself banging on the lid, I don't know what killed him.
Hi Auratus

I'm sorry to learn of your loss. :byebye: Hope you get your water problem resolved soon.
Alright... now it's -3.

Lost the female in the 29 like I thought I would. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGG. This is like a record in betta loss. 3 in one day?!!?!?

Oh, and to clear it up for all the people who have been p.m.ing me... I have not lost 7 bettas in a month, I have not lost 5 bettas in a month. I lost 3 today! Today is the first day of betta loss. Ok? :-(
Oh, what a bust, so sorry to hear that news Jen :byebye: . I have lost 3 betta over 1 week too. Also, I have stopped using any type of med's I use bettamax. Everytime I use bettamax the bettas seem to get worse or die quicker :crazy: . I dunno whats up with bettas dying :no: .

I'm sorry Auratus :( Throw away the melafix, or at least stop using it on the bettas for now :(

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