So I am confused did you need help on working out what's wrong?
just wondering witch is most likely
Did you Acclimatise the new fish before adding them?
Be honest for those that are good at diagnosing these sorts of things and I will say at this point I am not! But for those who are you need to give them a bit more information to help you. The specifics are essential in these matters.
I have never read about fish chocking but that does not mean it is the case.
Why did you put meds in your tank.
Tank details are essential not just the size of the tank but what sort of filtration you have how long has the tank been running. what's the temperature, water stats and what you test them with (name of the kit) as well as the stats of your water before you put it in the tank, it really does help if you post the actual stats you have
Another thing that helps is if you notice any marks odd colourations or abnormalities.
Supplying a schedule of your maintenance also helps
I would recommend you take a look and read some of the pinned and topics in the fish emergencys section of the forum it will give you a better idea of the details you need to supply for a better response
Regards onebto