2 Days


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
North Queensland, Australia
Ok I made a post 2 days ago to find out what variety of betta I had. Also, I I intend to make the tank he's in a communty one I bought him a girlfriend (turquoise blue) :wub: . She was in there for an hour, if that and he's started building a bubble nest. Argh! :crazy: I thought spawning fish were more difficult to breed. I had gouramis for ages and they never did anything like this. Will they eat their own fry? What should I do? They're alone in the tank for the moment.
Thats good to hear since hes becoming a man. Also that means that hes happy were he is.
Lenna said:
Ok I made a post 2 days ago to find out what variety of betta I had. Also, I I intend to make the tank he's in a communty one I bought him a girlfriend (turquoise blue) :wub: . She was in there for an hour, if that and he's started building a bubble nest. Argh! :crazy: I thought spawning fish were more difficult to breed. I had gouramis for ages and they never did anything like this. Will they eat their own fry? What should I do? They're alone in the tank for the moment.
when you put a female betta in a tank with a male the outcome will be mating or the female will get beat up by the male or even killed if she is unwilling to mate. in otherwords, not recommended unless you plan to breed and have everything in place. males will by nature build bubble nests even without a female nearby, it's just something they do. ;)
Ok. Thanks for the help. I think she's willing (dark vertical stripes) so he's not beating her up. Do you think I should return her? I have enough trouble with mollie fry as it is.
Lenna said:
Ok. Thanks for the help. I think she's willing (dark vertical stripes) so he's not beating her up. Do you think I should return her? I have enough trouble with mollie fry as it is.
well, breeding bettas takes alot of work especially if you have more than one batch going on. guess there is no chance of getting another tank especially for the male? your female might get along well in a community tank, it would be a shame to bring her back to the LFS (if that's what you mean).
If you truely want to breed them, then do the research to be sure you are prepared, it's not as simple as other fish. First, after they spawn you need to remove the female or the male may kill her (he will be protecting the nest). Then after the fry are free swimming (about 3 days after they hatch), you will need to take the male out or he'll probably eventually eat them all. You will need food cultures for the fry such as microworms, vinegar eels, baby brine shrimp. Then when they start to grow, they will be too big to all be in the current small tank, so you'll need a grow out tank (usually at least 30 gallons), and then the hard part, is as they mature you will need to seperate all the males (and some particularly aggressive females) and give them their own tank/barracks. All of which will need cleaned regularly and properly heated.

So as you can see it's not just something you jump into without proper preperation and research.

Also, it's very rare that you can keep a male and female together all the time, it may go alright for a while, but eventually they are going to decide they want the place to themself and the fighting will begin with one of them dieing. Usually you only put a male and female together for the purpose of spawning.

Hope this helps :)

Thanks for the advice. :D I have another tank she can go to. I don't think they'll spawn though, the male is pretty clueless :rolleyes: . He can't seem to maintain his nest for 24 hours, it falls apart over night. But no I don't intend to breed them its just that I heard that if you wanted to keep a betta in a community tank it needed to have a female to make it less aggressive towards other fish. Although he should be fine with my mollies, they're no pushovers. Plus he isn't aggressive towards the female.

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