2 Bettas in 1 tank

Chaos bringer

New Member
Feb 19, 2005
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I know that most people say they fight each other to the death and some say they can live peacefully. I dont want to risk it as two bettas fighting is cruel.

True or false please answer
if your lucky and get a very placid betta then it may work but its a big no as at some stage he may just turn and a dead betta on your hands............ :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:
ive seen bettas with missing tails and fins throught fighting! :-(
Dont Risk It
They call them siamese fighting fish for a reason. Period. Even if they did by some freak chance not kill each other, both would constantly be tense, exhausted, and miserable. They are a territorial species, and seeing as most are kept in tiny spaces anyways, they would be even more inclined to fight under captive conditions. I wouldn't even reccomend two females unless you have lots of space and cover as one on one they can be equally vicious. Please do not think of the betta as a social fish; he is quite content alone with your companionship.
NEVER EVER EVER put 2 male bettas together.
I even have issues putting one male betta in a tank with, well - ANY other fish. (I would never do that)

With 2 males in the same tank, your fishes would be so stressed out, with probably sustain so many injuries that one or both of them would eventually die. It would NOT be a pleasant life for them or you.

Here's a photo I took of my Harvey - he sees his reflection and he's really pissed in this photo. He thinks it's another fish. He bonks his nose all the time making a mad dash at the "other fish" (his own reflection).
BettaMomma said:
NEVER EVER EVER put 2 male bettas together.
I even have issues putting one male betta in a tank with, well - ANY other fish. (I would never do that)

With 2 males in the same tank, your fishes would be so stressed out, with probably sustain so many injuries that one or both of them would eventually die. It would NOT be a pleasant life for them or you.

Here's a photo I took of my Harvey - he sees his reflection and he's really pissed in this photo. He thinks it's another fish. He bonks his nose all the time making a mad dash at the "other fish" (his own reflection).
your harvey is a beaut! :D
funny thing is, some people have acually kept 3 male betta in the same tank, and they didnt fight. i have kept 3 betta in the same tank for 10 minutes and they didnt do anything. i wouldnt risk it though, they might fight when you arent looking

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