2 Albino Corys In A 20litre Tank?


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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Hey guys!
I have a 20 litre tank, and i just got 2 albino corys! they are prudy small[bout 2cm], is it okay to keep them in this tank? They seem to be happy, they swim around together, eat together, exlore, etc Cause if it not okey, i will keep them till they are a lil biggger and then take them to my LFS abd give them back!
I am also planning to transpot my Betta to the 20litre, but there shouldnt be a problem with him and the corys?
Please let me know!
in all honesty not really, they're going to get to 3" long and need to be kept in bigger groups, i'd say 4 is the absolute minimum but 6 is best.

betta's and cories can get on but not always, it depends on the temprement of the betta, you can try it but you'll have to monitor things carefully for any signs of aggression and be prepared to re-home one or the other if they fight

however if you really want to try mixing a betta and cories then why not return the cories you have now and get one of the pgymy species, hastatus, hasbrosus and pygmaeus all stay under 1" so you could have 3 of them in your 20l tank :good:
in all honesty not really, they're going to get to 3" long and need to be kept in bigger groups, i'd say 4 is the absolute minimum but 6 is best.

betta's and cories can get on but not always, it depends on the temprement of the betta, you can try it but you'll have to monitor things carefully for any signs of aggression and be prepared to re-home one or the other if they fight

however if you really want to try mixing a betta and cories then why not return the cories you have now and get one of the pgymy species, hastatus, hasbrosus and pygmaeus all stay under 1" so you could have 3 of them in your 20l tank :good:

Thanks miss wiggle! Will see what happens! the LFS i got them from is a bit overstocked at the moment! So i will kepp them for now untill they can get a bigger home! I want them to be happy as possible! they seem to be doing finr for now! and i dont want them to get hurt at the LFS! I will keep a constant eye on them for now!

But what is a nice mix for a 20 litre tank? what kinda fish could u have in ther with a betta?
not an awful lot i'm afraid, 20l is a pretty small tank and there's only a handful of species i would say are suitable for it.

the obvious choice is a betta and you seem keen on that already so i would go with one of those, however they dont take well to tankmates a lot of the time so you may end up keeping it on it's own in there. here's a good topic about betta tankmates
not sure how many gallons 20 lt is, but usally good fish for small tanks are ottos, dwarf cories, shrimps and snails.

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