2.5 mini bow front


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
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Birmingham, AL
I recently bought a 2.5 mini bow front to house my 2 guys that won't be going in my 30 gallon that I divided up for the other 8 guys.

Here is what it looks like.






The fish seem to love it.

I did have to rig up the filter so it didn't blow the one on the output side to kingdom come though lol...I just stuffed some filter foam up the intake and voila..no more blown around fishie lol. :wub:
How did you stick the gravel to the divider? That is a great idea, I have a 10G divided, but they can still see eachother, so they spend a great deal of the time flaring at eachother.
Aquarium sealant..lots of it.

And a sore hand from squeezing it lol.

I had planned to do both sides, so it looked better but ended up only doing one side....my hand was hurting too bad after doing one side lol. (but I'm a tad wimpy too though and that tube was hard to squeeze :D :lol: )

I drlled several holes in the divider as well...so the water flows through it.
I really like the idea. I think I am going to do the same thing, hubby just made some caves with tank sealant, so we have some left. I just have to find a home for them while it is curing. Thanks for the great idea.

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