2.5 Gallon...what To Do With It?


Fish Addict
Oct 25, 2010
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So i have this 2.5 gallon meta frame tank.. and ive seen some awesome half water, half land waterfall tanks that are moderately small but if i was to do something similar in my 2.5g tank what could i even keep in there? Even if i had it filled up all the way, possibly a Betta at most but half way? Any kind of REALLY small newt? or anything? maybe ill just make it a shrimp tank and skip the whole riparium/Terrarium/vivarium idea? Opinions welcome!
I have seen some good small tanks with a bit of land, water and drift wood that is in the water but also exposed being used for Mud Skippers. They are an interesting fish and have a fair bit of character.
I have seen some good small tanks with a bit of land, water and drift wood that is in the water but also exposed being used for Mud Skippers. They are an interesting fish and have a fair bit of character.

Mudskippers are not at all appropriate for a 2.5 gallon tank. Your tank should be about 10x that size.

You could look into a type of crab, I am not as familiar with them regarding size but it could be a starting point.

Or you could go all aquatic for 1) a small shrimp tank 2) one ADF 3) one betta - - note that these are options individually, not to be housed together.
I assume any type of the CHINESE (not Japanese) Red bellied newts are out of the question since they get about 3" or so?
Maybe a couple of dart frogs if you like the aqua-terrarium/paludarium idea, however these are relatively specialised and would need a lot of reading up first.

It would be easy to make a half land half water 2.5g with some shrimp and maybe guppy fry (obviously temporarily) or something, but I wouldn't keep anything terrestrial in there with aquatic creatures too, just not enough space, sorry :(.

Best to stick to growing plants in this size of setup, with maybe some shrimp, snails and baby fish as an afterthought :good: .
Maybe a couple of dart frogs if you like the aqua-terrarium/paludarium idea, however these are relatively specialised and would need a lot of reading up first.

It would be easy to make a half land half water 2.5g with some shrimp and maybe guppy fry (obviously temporarily) or something, but I wouldn't keep anything terrestrial in there with aquatic creatures too, just not enough space, sorry :(.

Best to stick to growing plants in this size of setup, with maybe some shrimp, snails and baby fish as an afterthought :good: .

nonono i wasn't planning on terrestrial and aquatic animals and from what im researching shrimp of some species is the way to go...

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