2.5 gallon hex tank? What can go in it?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hi! Well about a month or so ago I bought a 2.5 gallon hex tank and a Betta. I had never owned a fish before. Gosh in the past month things sure have changed. This hobby is sooo addicting! I now have a 30 gallon and a 10 gallon I just set up today!

Anyway, I have since learned that my poor little Barney Betta should have heat and there is really no way to give him heat in this 2.5 gallon tank. It was a kit I purchased from Petcetera here in Ontario, Canada. I think I will get Barney a 5 gallon tank to hang out in but I am just wondering what the heck can I put in this 2.5 gallon hex tank that doesn't need any heat. There is an under gravel filter in the tank.
well winkle, :p
bettas, although they do better in a heated tank,
do not necessarily NEED heat
my bettas have never had heat and they are happy, active and healthy
i feed them blood worms and the occational brine shrimp (my female gets tropical flakes as well)
your betta would be fine in the 2.5gal,
but if you are set on getting him a new home then i would suggest:

2 white cloud minnow
a pair of african dwarf frogs

as for bottom feeders:

1 mystery snail
a few ghost shrimp

have fun ;)
hi winkle,

as you can see (in my signnature) i have a 3 gallon and the fish in it are great. i would just say leave you betta. i have mine in a fish bowl and the temp is 70-75. the betta is as active as he was at the fish store. if you want to move him you should put in 1-2 platys

cat.fish said:
hi winkle,

as you can see (in my signnature) i have a 3 gallon and the fish in it are great. i would just say leave you betta. i have mine in a fish bowl and the temp is 70-75. the betta is as active as he was at the fish store. if you want to move him you should put in 1-2 platys

Hi, I think I will just leave him where he is then. He swims around quite happily so I guess I shouldn't mess with what is working.
If you really wanted to you could buy one of those little heaters that are for 2 gallon tanks. I think they're 7.5 watts. Most lfs carry them that I've seen.
One of my bettas are in a 2.5gal, tank with a pair of dwarf african frogs.they all seemed happy enough with just the room temps,but I still worried so I ended up buying one of those little heaters that was mentioned,and everyone seems thrilled! Even though it's a very small heater I still watch the temps closely especially when the lights on.Summer time,the heater goes off completely because that small tanks water temp. would boil them. If your house stays pretty warm,and he seems okay maybe leave it at that.
I feel that as long as they are perky and have enough space to swim about comfortably in then there is no problem. I've seen some really miserable Bettas ans mostly they were unheated tanks. If yours is swimming about alot (they are quite active, sitting on the bottom or just floating isn't really their natural actions) then it should be ok ;)
How about using one of those heat mats you get in reptile shops. You can get a mini one that would fit perfectly under a tank that size for less than £5.

Devs said:
One of my bettas are in a 2.5gal, tank with a pair of dwarf african frogs.they all seemed happy enough with just the room temps,but I still worried so I ended up buying one of those little heaters that was mentioned,and everyone seems thrilled! Even though it's a very small heater I still watch the temps closely especially when the lights on.Summer time,the heater goes off completely because that small tanks water temp. would boil them. If your house stays pretty warm,and he seems okay maybe leave it at that.
Doesn't your heater have a thermostat so that it only comes on when the water is detected to go below what you set the heater to?

Ben, I think that sounds like a very good idea. I think adding a heater to that size tank may take up what little room there is, although I supose it could be but in a 'corner' of the hex.
Sure you canuse a heater i have a 3 1/2 gallon tank and have a heater you just need to shop around rember 5 watts to the gallon i would get a 15 watt heater. :*
oh ok well he in the states they are esay to find buy one off the internet i have one.
you could try going to a pet store that only sales fish they might have one. :D

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