1st Release


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2006
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me and my girlfriend last week released our first fry in to our tank, she is a lovely white black and orange mollie, she is now about 2cm long and i would guess about 2 months old, i found her in the gravel of my old tank very luckily. and am so pleased to have "raised" (don't really know if thats the right word.) her and watch her grow.

me and my girlfriend always look out for "baby" when we get home from work.

It was such a nice experience. was wondering if you guys had this great feeling when you released your first fry.

ps. the only reason we released when we did as we didnt want the 11 new babies!!! we found to be eaten by her!! in the breeding trap. but she is in fine health and doing really well.
We are letting our platy fry fend for themselves. There is at least one that is still alive... and we're rooting for him. So, it's a great feeling to see the little platy still alive. Definitely not the same as yours though.
I have a 5 gal tank which had four pairs of guppies in it. I had an outbreak of columnares (sp) in it and have lost half of them... :rip: I have been treating the tank with Maracyn and Maracyn2. I haven't had to take any dead fish out of the tank in over 24 hours. I'm hopeful.

Anyway, I still have around 15 fry who are living. They are swimming around the tank like they are one of the big boys. Yesterday when I fed they actually tried to eat the adult food. You're right, it a great feeling to see them swim thru the tank.

Good luck with yours. :fish:
I totally agree with you. There is nothing better than finding fry, it's a feeling that can't be beaten! I also love the experience of raising them and seeing what colours they develop into!
I had around 30 Molly fry in a breeding trap at one point. One by one, over time, nearly all of them died. Only two survived and live happily in my community tank! They are both females and are totally inseperable (sp?). They are both greedy feeders and seem to be best friends. My fiance and I consider them extra special because they are "the survivors". We call them Big Baby and Big Baby's Mate! :)

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