1st Proper Tank

if you thinking of getting some guppies with tiger barbs not a gd option
that tank would look gr8 with the cardinals sooting in and out of the place :good:
that is a gr8 tank
Yeah, I was only going to get Guppies if my g/f still wants a couple of female Bettas. Which she does, so the Green Tiger Barbs will be staying at the local fish store.

Thanks :)
if you get female bettas then its best to get at least 4 to spread agression, also if you do get them avoid guppies, personal experience didn't work :good:
7:00am until 23:00pm is a long time to leave the light on. In the natural world there is usually about 8-10 hours of light. You might find that you will have more algae problems the longer you leave your lights on, plus your fish would always prefer the lights to be off. Up to you though! :)

My tank comes on at 1:30pm and goes off at 22:30.
good start welcome to the fish life
Thanks :)

Even thought I haven't any fish in the tank yet, I'm still enjoying all the research. I would never have believed what a huge subject, or how deep you can go into this hobby!

7:00am until 23:00pm is a long time to leave the light on. In the natural world there is usually about 8-10 hours of light. You might find that you will have more algae problems the longer you leave your lights on, plus your fish would always prefer the lights to be off. Up to you though! :)

My tank comes on at 1:30pm and goes off at 22:30.
Thanks for that, to be honest I have noticed some algae on my piece of planted bogwood, and a couple of long algae strands elsewhere so I guess I'll be cutting down on the amount of time the lights are on. What impact would this have on the plants I already have though, would it cause problems with their growth if the time with the lights on was limited?

Hi Dude,
I used to have long blair hair algae so I cut the amount of light down. If the plants get covered in algae it blocks their access to sunlight (or light).
Alternatively, get some mollies, they love the black hair algae, they will eat it all.

Also chinese algae eaters or algae eating fish will usually take care of these problems, as will shrimps and snails. I suggest getting some of these tank cleaners anyways, they are so much fun to look at.

I recommend 8-10 hours but its up to you when you would like it to come on. If algae becomes really bad, cut the light down to around 6 hours a day. You can also take breaks as it doesnt have to be on constantly so an afternoon siesta is not a bad idea as your plants and fish will probably think.



p.s. the amount of knowledge is infinite, there is always more to learn which is the beauty about this hobby.
if you get female bettas then its best to get at least 4 to spread agression, also if you do get them avoid guppies, personal experience didn't work :good:

I was going to get two female Bettas and 4 guppies, what happened between them? Aren't both suppsed to be peaceful?

Has anyone else had a problem between them?
if you get female bettas then its best to get at least 4 to spread agression, also if you do get them avoid guppies, personal experience didn't work :good:

Hi Wordy, good to see someone from good old Rotherham! Nice looking tank! In my experience having the lights on for that long will result in an outbreak of algae fairly quickly (even with lots of plants). I have mine on a timer coming on for about 9 or 10 hours a day. It's a shame about the tiger barb, betta, guppy dilemma; personally I prefer the barbs. Good luck!
if you get female bettas then its best to get at least 4 to spread agression, also if you do get them avoid guppies, personal experience didn't work :good:

I was going to get two female Bettas and 4 guppies, what happened between them? Aren't both suppsed to be peaceful?

Has anyone else had a problem between them?

chances are 1 of the bettas would bully the other (may not be a problem if they are siblings)
and the bettas IME killled my guppies and they were females

saying that, i temperarly held a female betta within a breeder box in my guppy tank, she jumped and is getting on fine with them, although i will be moving her shortly just incase, can't stand the same happening again
Hi Wordy, good to see someone from good old Rotherham! Nice looking tank! In my experience having the lights on for that long will result in an outbreak of algae fairly quickly (even with lots of plants). I have mine on a timer coming on for about 9 or 10 hours a day. It's a shame about the tiger barb, betta, guppy dilemma; personally I prefer the barbs. Good luck!

Hi Aeriz, small world! :)

I think I'm definatley going to cut down the amount of hours I have the lights on. personally I'd rather have the Green Tiger Barbs aswell, but I suppose I can't have it all my own way :p

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