1st Proper Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Rotherham, South Yorkshire
Awhile ago the g/f won a Baby BiOrb 15l tank, and I promptly got it set up as a tropical tank with 6 cardinal Tetras in it. After doing some research, and my 1st 15% water change ended up killing two fish(long story) I've come to the conclusion that the Baby BiOrb is only fit for a quarantine tank I decided to buy a bigger tank.

So after looking around I found a tank that would fit in the space we have and went and bought it. It's an AquaTropic AT80 110 Litre tank & came with the heater, filter/pump & water treatment chemicals. The stand is a Juwel 125 stand which was bought seperately, it’s got a gravel substrate and 7 assorted plants, 2 pieces of bogwood, a piece of planted bogwood, and 3 bits of slate. It was set up on New Years Eve and is currently doing a fishless cycle before I start stocking it up and after another week or so (water conditions depending) I'll add my 4 surviving Cardinals and steadily add stock from there.

Here are the pics.




Thanks guys :)

The tanks been up a week today, and I've just been down to P@H today to get the water tested. The amonia is a little high so the fish I've got aren't going in there yet. I was advised to do 2 15% water changes, 1 today and 1 Friday and then get the water tested again on Saturday, so fingers crossed everything will be ok then and I can start stocking it.
Thanks guys :)

The tanks been up a week today, and I've just been down to P@H today to get the water tested. The amonia is a little high so the fish I've got aren't going in there yet. I was advised to do 2 15% water changes, 1 today and 1 Friday and then get the water tested again on Saturday, so fingers crossed everything will be ok then and I can start stocking it.
Nice tank mate! be honest how many times have you looked at it thinking is that rock or that plant in the right place? dont mess with it it looks good !!!
Hah, you got me there! I like it , but every time I come on here and see some of the tanks you guys have I just want to go out and buy more plants, bogwood, stones. But so far I have been able to ignore the temptation and will just left the plants grow for 6 months or so and then see what needs adding :)
Not yet, the tank is still cycling, went to get the water tested on saturday and the it is at the nitrite spike stage so nothings gone in as of yet.

I've got 4 Cardinals in my baby biorb that will be added asap, I'll be getting another 6 to go with them. The g/f wants two female bettas for the tank and a couple of platies with black and white spots(don't know what they're called) then I plan on getting a couple of pairs of guppies.

However if she's not that bothered about the female bettas anymore I'd just like to increase the cardinal stock to about 10 and then fill the rest of the stock with green tiger barbs
Hi Wordy

That's a really nice looking tank. Platy with black and which spots sounds more like dalmation/marbled mollies. I have some of them. They are fab.
Nice effort! Looking good. If I were you i'd invest in your own test kit though. Saves a lot of time and trips to the shops! Plus you can freely test when you want which is useful for before water changes, if you suspect problems etc. I highly recommend the API Freshwater Master Test Kit. Lasts a long time aswell. I bought mine over 2 years ago and still haven't finished the nitrite and pH tests! Better than those rip off strips! I'm sure PAH stock them.

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